Weekly industry news round-up


One of China’s richest men calls p2p lending a scam. In this article, Chinese billionaire Guo Guangchang calls out p2p lending in his country not long after China’s government announces its limits on peer lending for borrowers there.

Although we disagree with the premise, it does make for interesting reading to see specifically what is going on in China, the world’s largest p2p lending market.

Business News Daily asks the question “Is p2p lending good for your business?” This US focused article looks at different US p2p lending platforms to see which might be helpful for the small business owner to get a loan for their business.

In India, the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) is proposing to regulate p2p lending as part of the category of non-banking financial businesses. This is a followup to their consultation paper they released about the industry back in April. It looks like a common sense approach to regulation there. At least we hope it is.


Bondora is listed among a leading group of Peer Lenders across the world in this look at loan originations around the world from P2P-Banking. We are showing good loan origination growth both over last month (17%) and over this same month last year (59%).

This article in Estonian is about how Bondora is no longer seeking a FCA license to lend in England due to the Brexit vote.

A more detailed article also in Estonian mentions about how we are looking at relocating our headquarters and how the UK is no longer under consideration, again due to the Brexit vote and the uncertainty of the regulatory environment there for our EU lenders and borrowers.


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