Weekly industry news roundup – April 3, 2017

Around the world

AltFi looked at what issues must be addressed before a wider base of investors will embrace the P2P system. The author cites aspects including transparency, scale, regulations, sustainability, liquidity and defaults. With the addition of pension funds and insurance funds the market will grow.


Crowdfund Insider took a look at the fintech revolution and how open source data can make the infrastructure more transparent. The author suggests this innovation could impact “how we approve transactions, issue credit and making investments available for consumers, regulators, and competitors.”


Bankless Times shared findings from analysts at EY concerning fintech and marketplace lending. The report cites that marketplace lending is a “relatively untapped source of financing marketplace lenders may be able to access, especially in a low rate environment.”


The Financial Times reported on expectations of consolidation within the P2P arena as smaller players face big competition. The author looks to experts in the prediction that mergers will increase. Such partnerships would make firms more able to access untapped markets.


Crowdfund Insider explored the implications of new regulations behind P2P lending in China. The China Banking Regulatory Authority (CBRA) announced that all marketplace lenders must “appoint a commercial bank as a custodian to their client’s funds.” This act may slow growth of the P2P world in the country.

Bondora mentions

An article on Delfi mentioned Bondora when reviewing various asset classes to diversify your investments and different platforms that offer investment opportunities into those asset classes. Crowdfunding and peer to peer lending provide attractive returns along with short learning curve.

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