There was a significant increase in recoveries in September compared to last month. In total, there were 40,805 recovered Bondora payments in September, up by 6.9% from August. All categories of recovery, except for rare case recovery, were higher. In-house collection had the biggest jump, up by 17.4%, with Spain accounting for the highest percentage of these gains.

Cash Recoveries Recover
After a dip in cash recovered in August, there was a slight 1.4% increase in total cash recovered, up to €470,785. Finnish cash recovered fell by 22.5% while Estonian cash jumped higher by 22.8% to €213,118.

Yearly Recovery Rate
The 2019 yearly recovery rate continues to move directly in-line with previous years returns. This year’s return sits at 64.6%, still more than 15% higher than previous years returns, while the 6-year return fell by 0.9% to 45.4%.

Recoveries by Country
A high Spanish recovery rate has remained above 90% for 2019. The recovery rate in Estonia rose compared to last month, up to 55.2%. Meanwhile, the Finnish recovery rate decreased by 9.9% to 72.9%.

Bondora Recoveries Still Rise
A 22.5% decrease in Finnish cash recovered led to the recovery rate in the country to move by almost 10%. Still, overall recoveries and the amount of cash recovered in September rose compared to the previous month.
You can always view missed payment recoveries and all other Bondora data at any time. Check out our real-time statistics to see not only recovery data on all Bondora missed payments, but loan history, returns data, and more.