Category: Financial Well-being

Financial well-being is the ability to meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel confident in your financial future, and have the freedom to make choices that contribute to your overall happiness.

Weekly industry news round-up

INDUSTRY NEWS Last weeks hottest topic was the interest rate cut by Bank of England. Almost as a continuation for last weeks interest rate topic were the reports of a German bank that decided to start charging negative interest from their retail customers. The Economist claims that emerging markets are back in favor as returns have increased. Check…
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Weekly industry news round-up – August 8, 2016

INDUSTRY NEWS This week one of the main topics in the industry has been Bank of Englands interest rate cut which has been already widely viewed as positive news for P2P industry. In the US, Prosper and LendingClub are both reported to be part of big financial deals. Find out more in our weekly industry news round-up…
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Weekly industry news round-up

The week of 25th of July was awfully quiet in our industry. The biggest news came once again from the US where Bloomberg wrote about Prosper’s plans to launch their proprietary investment fund focused solely on the peer-to-peer lending assets Prosper originates. Meanwhile Huffington Post and Financial Planner wrote about trends created by financial technology…
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Weekly industry news round-up

Last week was relatively quiet in the industry. Main highlights are news that Goldman Sachs is nearing the launch of their online lending service and Amazon launching a partnership with Wells Fargo in the US. In the UK Financial Times discusses why alternative finance platforms should become banks. Financial Times also shares the thoughts of…
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Weekly industry news round-up 18 July 2016

Last week we saw a number of positive signs for the industry coming from the US. LendingClub seems to have sorted out its troubles with Jefferies Group and Moody's has removed warning's from Citigroup Inc. securitization of Prosper loans. Peer-to-peer lending is also getting more coverage in traditional financial press in the UK with multiple…
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Weekly industry news round-up

We have selected a few stories on peer-to-peer lending from last week that everyone interested in this industry should read. Check out the topics below. AN ANALYSIS COMPARING DIFFERENT FIXED INCOME INVESTMENTS WITH PEER-TO-PEER LENDING Online Lending: High-Yield Investing for a Low-Yield World (5.07.2016, Orchard Platform) STORY ON CONSEQUENCES OF A UK PLATFORM GOING INTO ADMINISTRATION…
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Bondora among Europe’s top P2P lending platforms

Last week Fintech Switzerland published an article on the top peer-to-peer lending platforms in Europe. That made us reminisce what a difference a decade has made. Back then, marketplace lending was thought of as an alternative asset class and was viewed by early adopters as a compelling investment opportunity. Today, the industry has evolved into an asset…
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How will Brexit influence marketplace lending?

The UK has voted to leave the EU. The media is buzzing about how the recent vote will change everything. We asked CEO of Bondora, Pärtel Tomberg, to comment on the recent outcome. The UK is the #1 marketplace lending market in Europe today. Pärtel - how do you see Brexit influencing the marketplace lending…
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Books worth reading this summer

It’s officially the season of summer reading. We asked peer-to-peer lending advocates Kristi Saare and Tauri Alas from Investeerimisraadio to reveal their favorites – books they simply loved and that made them think in new ways. Here are their top six recommendations. KRISTI SAARE is an English & economics teacher with a passion for investing. Her…
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The 2015 UK alternative finance industry report

Pushing Boundaries – the 2015 UK Alternative Finance Industry is the latest report jointly published by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at the University of Cambridge and Nesta, which tracks the size and development of online alternative finance in the UK. In total 94 companies participated in the survey and the results give an in…
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