Now You Can Get Your Bondora Questions Answered in English in 15 countries across 9 time zones

Raise your hand if you know how to ask a question about one of your Bondora loans in Estonian or its close relative, Finnish?

Yeah, me neither.

Fortunately you don’t have to. Fifteen countries including the UK, Germany, France and the US all have a local number you can call and talk to someone about your account. Language options are Estonian or English.

Bondora now has phone support for Customer Service.

Tallinn Estonia, where Bondora has its headquarters, is in GMT+2 or when it’s 9PM in Tallinn it’s 2PM in New York (GMT-5).  Online investing can be tricky sometimes and you might need to talk someone even when they speak a different language from you. And they might be 5 time zones away from you too.

All these time zones and languages make doing Customer Service really tough, yet sometimes you need to talk and email just won’t do. If email will help answer your question then there’s great email support at and a whole English language support site at It’s the best support site for a p2p lending site in Europe outside of London.

During Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM Tallinn time, you can reach someone by phone to talk about your Account or any other questions you may have for us. Do you want to know more about how peer to peer lending works? Maybe you have a question about a specific loan? Or Features? Or how to invest money on the platform?

For those on the Continent like in Berlin or Paris that means 8AM to 4PM and for you Brits that means 7AM to 3PM your time.

On the homepage at you can see Support Center information in the lower right hand corner and it looks like this:

Bondora Support Center shown on website

When you need to talk to someone you can call one of these 15 local numbers for your local market:

+1 (205) 506-2614 US

+41 21 588 05 48 Switzerland

+46 10 199 26 18 Sweden

+31 85 8888 410 Netherlands

+352 2786 21 24 Luxembourg

+39 091 8420189 Italy

+33 9 70 73 19 57 France

+358 75 325 1707 Finland

+45 78 75 51 86 Denmark

+420 538 890 138 Czech Republic

+32 78 48 36 73 Belgium

+43 720 882469 Austria

+49 32 213 000707 Germany

+44 1568 630006 UK

+372 880 3885 Estonia

So call the Estonia number and you get Estonian and all the other numbers you can ask your questions in English and get someone like Oliver to help you navigate the site easily and profitably.

Ben je de grote banken en hun robotachtige manieren beu?
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  • Een gepersonaliseerd leningaanbod online in 60 seconden
  • Flexibele terugbetalingsmogelijkheden
  • Geen verborgen kosten
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