🔴 2023 Q&A Video with Bondora CEO

Welcome to the 2023 Q&A with Pärtel Tomberg, the CEO and Founder of Bondora. It’s become a popular tradition over the last couple of years that we ask you to send your questions to us, so Pärtel can connect with you directly and answer your queries.

This year, three other members from Bondora will also share important updates, specifically about our 2022 financial results, investing product features and updates, and a special meet-the-support team segment where you can meet the helpful Customer Experience agents who support you when you have any queries.

Thank you for sending in all your questions

Pärtel answered the most-asked questions in the video. You can find even more answers in written format below the video.

And please remember, if you have any more questions, you can use the Bondora support site 24/7. Or contact our Customer Experience team to speak to an agent directly.

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Here are more answers to your questions:

Peter: 'Will we ever get details about the Go & Grow portfolio, such as default rates?’

You can find regular updates on our blog regarding the portfolio. You can also check our Public Statistics page for daily updated numbers on publicly available statistics.

Julius: What is the Vision of Bondora?

Our vision is to empower people to enjoy the life they want without having to stress over money.

Our mission is to build intuitive products everyone can trust to spend, grow and save their money.

Mimi: Why doesn’t Bondora go for the certification to be a regulated platform?

Bondora AS (the parent company of Bondora Capital OÜ) is regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) and was granted a Credit Provider license.

Melanie: How many people invest in Bondora?

Over 220,000 people have invested more than €820M and earned over €100M with us.

Gino: Is it possible in any way to provide deposit insurance?

We’re not doing this at the moment, but if it is a big enough concern for many investors, we can certainly look into it. Please feel free to add it to the Wishlist from your Dashboard.

Vadims: How many people have worked with you?

We currently have 171 employees, with more superheroes joining our mission to bring Bondora to more people.

Raffael: How is Bondora tackling sustainability?

We recently moved to a new office, a near-zero energy building that helps us lower our carbon footprint and be a more sustainable business. It has smart building automatics, energy-efficient technical systems, and solar panels on the roof to ensure lower costs and a more sustainable way of operating.

And we’ve always been a proudly 100% online company that operates paper-free, without paper contracts or documents.

Our data server provider in Frankfurt currently runs on 100% green (renewable) energy. Our offices in Estonia are easily reachable via public transport, allowing our employees to lessen their carbon footprints as well.

Steven: Will separate wallets return?

As we improve the investing product to make investing easier and quicker, we plan to forego Wallet altogether. Keep an eye on our blog for when this update happens.

Christian: When will company accounts be allowed again?

Adding company investing accounts isn’t currently a focus for us as most of our investors are private persons, and there is little need for it. But please add your idea to the Wishlist, and if there’s a lot of interest from other investors, we could potentially implement this again.

Nikolay: Have you considered an option where instead of the interest being capitalized to Bondora Go & Grow, it can be withdrawn separately from the principal investment without a withdrawal fee?

We’re not currently working on this as it doesn’t necessarily fit into our mantra of keeping investing simple. However, we encourage you to add this to the Wishlist, and if enough investors are interested, we can consider it in future releases.

Alexandre: Do you have any plan to transfer money directly from the 4% account saver to the 6.75 % one and the other way around?

Yes, we are working on making your all-around Bondora investing experience smoother and hassle-free.

Eric: Why did you decide to develop the Insights Feature?

As a secure and reliable fintech, we want to help our customers easily achieve their financial goals. The Insights feature was a beta service we tested to achieve this. In the end, the data didn’t support us in developing this feature further. Instead, we’re focusing on improving our existing investing services and working on other future projects.

Jan: Will there be an update for the money payout if you bring other customers to bondora? The waiting time of 90 days is pretty long.

After a friend registers their account via your unique link, they have 30 days to invest at least €50. The 30th day is the Calculation date. If the invited friend has invested at least €50 by that date, you will be eligible for the referral bonus. You will receive the €5 referral bonus within 90 days after the Calculation date.

Florian: Is a 2FA planned for the Bondora login?

Yes, two-factor authentication is being developed and released soon to the web. It’s already available on the Go & Grow app.

Want to know more?

Search for keywords on our blog, use the Bondora support site 24/7, or contact our Customer Experience team to speak to an agent directly.

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