Discover the Life of a Bondora Developer Superhero

Greetings! The year is ending, and it’s time to introduce our last Developer Superhero for 2022. He’s been with us for over 8 years, always wears the coolest shirts, and would love to adopt a mythical creature as a pet. He’s the one and only Erki Argus!

Join us on this epic journey of getting to know him better.

Bondora Superhero #28 — Erki Argus

👦 Bondorian since: May 2014

🖥️ Role: Software Engineer

💸 Team: Dev: Spend

Erki's inspiring life motto is 'Be brave enough to suck at something new.'
Erki’s inspiring life motto is 'Be brave enough to suck at something new.’

Erki’s journey at Bondora:

When I joined Bondora in 2014, it was still a small company. We had maybe 30 employees, and I was one of the six developers. Now, the company is much bigger, and I’m one of the 63.7 developers (based on our HR system statistics) or one of 71 (counting on fingers).

During my time at Bondora, I have worked in different departments and have been a part of developing almost every product we’ve ever had. Despite that, I still can’t say I know every aspect of our business –  does that make me a semi-superhero? Nowadays, I’m improving the borrower services to make borrowing smoother and more pleasant.

Erki’s typical workday

My workday usually starts at 8 or 9 am as our first meetings usually begin at 10 am. I prefer working from the office as there are fewer distractions than at home, like Netflix, books, etc. I also prefer meeting people face-to-face because I think the speed of getting things done correlates with the distance between people (I didn’t come up with this theory, but I agree with it).

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding moment is when I successfully complete a difficult task. But this does not mean I want to be 'rewarded’ with many complex tasks. (Too many 'rewards’ is never a good thing 😊)

And what makes being a developer at Bondora awesome?

You are involved in an ongoing process to improve the product – your ideas matter; you aren’t just 'the guy writing the code’. All developers are encouraged to try out innovative approaches. Learning new things and making mistakes are considered part of the learning process.

How did you find your way into the world of programming? What has the experience been like so far?

My secondary school was focused on academic literature. So after graduating, I decided to study something technical. To be honest, computer science was just a random choice. Back then, computers were not as fancy as they are now, so I was able to begin my studies at Tallinn University of Technology without any previous knowledge about programming.

’I can’t start programming before I ….’ 

… have had a coffee and chatted with colleagues in the coffee corner ☕

What programming language is your favorite and why?

I don’t have a favorite programming language. I know C# is considered to be one of the best programming languages in the world, but other languages are also nice to know and are probably even better for solving particular tasks.

What is your best investment advice?

Invest in family and friends; they are worth much more than any material assets.

Best cybersecurity/IT tip?

Do not stick your passwords on the display!

'Invest in family and friends; they are worth more than material assets.'
’Invest in family and friends; they are worth more than material assets.’

Let’s get to know Erki even better!

What are some of your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

I have typical interests: music, cinema, theater, reading, and art. I try to keep up with these fields as much as I can, but it is not always possible. I’ve already made peace with it and follow my moods and do what feels cool at the given moment.

What are your favorite games to play?

I haven’t played computer games for a long time, but I like story-based adventure games. The last games I played were Detroit: Become Human and Beyond Two Souls.

Which game have you clocked the most hours with on Steam?

I have a Steam account, but I try to keep playing hours as low as possible.

Bacon: yay or nay?

It depends on the food, but yes, thumbs up if it makes food yummy 🥓👍

What’s your favorite TV show/podcast?

Hard to say; I do not have favorite TV shows or podcasts. I like different things, so I watch different shows. For example, I like history and science programs, but I also like dramas that touch on social problems or very artistic films with some surprising philosophical views. I am very picky about comedies; most are complete rubbish, with only a few exceptions.

What’s your favorite kind of music (to listen to while programming)?

I like all kinds of jazz; I also like good rock and classical music 🎶

Best meme that sums up being a developer?

What’s something that you want to do but scares you?

I do not have such things; maybe I’m afraid to say my wishes out loud because they tend to come true, and it’s terrifying.

Do you have any pets?

I don’t have any pets, but if I had a pet, it would be Pegasus. It’s an inspiring creature, and who wouldn’t want a pet you can fly with?

What superpower would you like to have and why?

Time bending and endless energy, then I could do all the things I like to do and still have time and energy to do my work.

Thanks for reading another entry in our Bondora Superhero Developer series! If you want to join our dev team, learn more about our company, or view other vacancies, visit our careers page.

Join us again next month to meet our 29th Bondora Superhero!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are that of the individual and not Bondora’s official view. Before deciding to invest, consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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