Investeerimisraadio podcast features the CEO of Bondora

Kristi Saare and Tauri Alas from Investeerimisraadio invited our CEO Pärtel Tomberg to speak on their podcast. Investeerimisraadio is the top Estonian investing podcast to cover this subject inside and out. It turned out that Pärtel was a long-awaited guest at the show that resulted in two separate podcasts. He kindly shared his thoughts on the last 12 months, what you can expect from Bondora in 2016 and beyond.

Investeerimisraadio podcast

Below you’ll find some of the areas that were covered in the hot seat:

  • Pärtel’s thoughts on the past year and what’s in store for Bondora in 2016
  • He shared Bondora’s aim to be the Google of lending
  • His thoughts about the marketplace lending industry and the regulatory framework in general
  • Where Bondora is focusing its energy for future growth
  • An explanation of Bondora Rating and the recovery valuation process
  • Bondora API development and the prioritization of bids

Listen to both of the podcasts to hear all about it (in Estonian):

  Podcast: Saade #35: Pärtel Tomberg (Bondorast), vol. 1

  Podcast: Saade #36: Pärtel Tomberg (Bondorast), vol. 2


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