Meet Kristi, an investor at Bondora

We would like to introduce you to Kristi, an investor at Bondora.

Bondora investor Kristi
Kristi started investing at Bondora in 2012

Kristi is one of the thousands of people who started investing with Bondora in 2012. She lives in Estonia and is an English and Economics teacher by profession who also invests her time into volunteer work.

Kristi originally started investing at Bondora because the social lending industry piqued her interest and since the wages in the public sector leave much to be desired, she is looking to generate additional income for the future.

Active management of her portfolio takes less than an hour per month, although she does visit the site and discussion boards a few times a day out of habit and curiosity.

You can see the performance of her first 2,500 € of investments from the graph below:

Annualized returns on investments

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