Heidy ho, neighbor! Meet Mirjam Palvadre – Bondora Superstar #12

„Does everybody know what time it is?” It’s Bondora Superstars time! This month we are getting to know Mirjam Palvadre – our awesome Office Manager and 12th Bondora Superstar. Our Bondora Superstars blog series showcases Bondorians’ passion for what they do, why they love working at Bondora and other cool things you didn’t know about them.

Mirjam's favorite quote: "Sometimes lose, but always win."
Mirjam’s favorite quote: „Sometimes lose, but always win.”

Bondora Superstars #12 — Mirjam Palvadre

👩 Bondorian since: 2020

🔨 Role: Office Manager

🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑 Team: People

Mirjam joined Bondora in April 2020. As the Office Manager, Mirjam wears many hats 🎩 If Bondora were a house, Mirjam would be our trusted handy person, our spirited landlord, but most importantly, our roommate and friend. Keep reading to learn more about how Mirjam keeps everything but the roof from blowing off in her day-to-day.

Here’s what a typical day is like for Mirjam:

When I arrive in the office, I get a cup of coffee or, if I’m feeling extra daring, a Red Bull and then:

  • The air conditioner stops working
  • Clients and couriers can’t get in because FONO isn’t functioning
  • Something needs to be measured and repaired
  • 3 Bondorians have IT problems
  • I have a meeting in less than a minute
  • A technician arrived to fix something, but I can’t remember what it is and why I called them
  • I’m double-booked and have another meeting
  • Pärtel has a peculiar request

Once everything calms down, I settle at my desk, then check my emails and Asana tasks.

It’s not unusual to hear laughter from our team’s corner and see that we are all in tears. To keep track of my tools, screws, and gadgets, my team gifted me my very own „Tim the Toolman Taylor” belt. We support each other when work gets hectic, and this makes it all worth it.

Also, shout out to Kristo for helping me since my first day with IT questions and heavy lifting. #ExtendedHR 🏆 I hope my jokes have been a sufficient payment in return.

Tell us about an embarrassing moment at Bondora

During my last interview for this role, Helena (the team lead) was talking about how she enjoys going to the shooting range; I then casually mentioned that I’ve gone hunting with my uncle and shot frogs. I had never mentioned this to anyone before, as it’s not the most relatable topic.
🤦🏻‍♀️ I was 99% sure that I blew the interview and would not get the job. But luckily, here I am!

What’s the most reward part of working at Bondora?

It’s really satisfying to complete a project and the outcome is better than expected. The office expansion was a challenging project with numerous problems, delays, and negotiations, but it is the project that I’m most proud of. It’s like a math equation; you have to solve for X and decide the best solution to get the answer.

What’s your favorite Bondora value?

 No bullshit!

📚 Mirjam’s must-read book:

Kolm sõpra by Erich Maria Remarque

Mirjam's desk and tool belt.
Mirjam’s desk and tool belt.

Take off the hard hat and relax

Pineapple on pizza?

Should we be allowed to shoot frogs?

What’s your favorite food?

I don’t have a favorite food, but if I had to, I wouldn’t mind eating old school, oval-shaped minced meat pie every day for the rest of my life.

And what food do you refuse to eat?

If I were a contestant on Fear Factor, I would eat anything to win the money. But otherwise, liver sauce. Ewww 🤢

What’s something you want to do but scares you?

Anything to do with heights. I had a bad experience once when I jumped off a building at Rummu quarry, and I have been apprehensive about heights ever since.

And finally, tell us about your fur babies 🐾🐾

Lexi the dog lives leash-free, roaming around in the forest. When you walk beside her, she’ll throw her paws up in the air for you to pet her. You will get lost in time because she’s so cute and cool. I call it “nusperdamine”. Lotta the cat is a rescue. He loves being close to people and comes on walks with Lexi and me.

And that’s it for Mirjam the tool (wo)man Palvadre! So, it’s not as catchy as the phrase from the American TV series, Home Improvement. But this doesn’t change all that Mirjam is to us and what she does for our team. Thank you, Mirjam, for keeping our computers working, our stomachs full, our bellies achy from laughter, and so much more.

Join us again next month as we get to know our 13th Bondora Superstar ⭐️

The views and opinions expressed in this article are that of the individual and not Bondora’s official view.

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