Tips: Stick to your financial strategy – Bondora (Video)

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Sticking to your financial strategy can be tough, especially during difficult economic times. But today I’m going to share with you why it’s crucial that you stay on course and don’t veer off your financial plan.

In times of crisis, the first natural response is to panic. We’ve seen this first-hand with the current international health and financial crisis. However, just because society is alarmed, doesn’t mean it should affect your financial judgement or lead you to make rushed decisions. Yes, markets are affected and the economy is struggling, but that doesn’t mean your Bondora investments will also be impacted negatively.

With buffers built into products, our returns have been kept stable, even throughout a time of crisis. This is evident with Go & Grow, where our investors still receive up to 6.75%* per annum.

Lars Wrobbel, one of the biggest names in p2p lending, also advocates investors to not react out of fear.

He advises you to believe in your strategy that has been working for you and to not abandon it in a rush. Hasty decisions are usually bad ones.

You can find the link to his blogpost in the description.

Our economies are resilient and will bounce back after this crisis period – meaning your investments will continue to be profitable, as long as you stick to your long-term strategy.

Leave us a comment below and tell us whether you stuck to your financial strategy or adapted it during times of crisis.

Remember to subscribe to our channel for more videos. Until next time, thanks for watching, keep investing and bye for now.

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