Video: Journey through the new cash flow page

As you have probably seen we’ve been actively updating our cash flow page. It has been our engineering team’s priority over February and March to execute the feature improvements that you have been requested. We hope that the cash flow page serves as a great analytical tool for you and becomes the go-to place to get an overview of payments coming in and out of your portfolio – either historical, actual or future.

This time we’ve decided to present the latest cash flow updates on video. Come on a tour with us and leave your feedback in the comments if this kind of video communication is something we should start doing more often.

New features on the cash flow page

  • 1. Historic and future cash flow is combined into one table
  • 2. Historic payments are split between current loans and loans in default as per the status active at the date of the payment
  • 3. Day-level data that shows cash flow categorized per each investment
  • 4. Forecast settings can be defined also for historic schedules so you can use cash flow based adjustments for predicting future payments
  • 5. You can adjust your net return calculation based on the forecast settings defined in the cash flow report
  • 6. Cash flow report will show the opening cash balance and closing cash balance for each period
  • 7. Ability to define which data series to show on the chart and in the cash flow table
  • 8. Historic planned schedules are split between current loans and loans in default
  • 9. Cash flow table results can be exported to Excel
  • 10. Account statement for the last 24 hours from Expert Center is incorporated into the cash flow report
  • 11. Ability to filter to a specific loan in the Investments list straight through the cash flow report so you can quickly take loans off Secondary Market or put them there based on the information visible in the cash flow report

And on the dashboard

  • 1. Custom bid size
    With this feature you can set the custom bid size on your own to any amount as long as it is divisible by 5.
  • 2. Spare cash balance
    With this feature you can specify the amount of money your portfolio will keep on your account as available funds.

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