Another Record-Breaking Month for Bondora with €7.8M originated

September was a historic month here at Bondora, as the total amount of originated P2P loans came to a record €5,527,855 in loan originations. Yet September’s loan issuances paled in comparison to another historic rise in loan originations during the month of October. Loan originations for October totaled about €7,802,163 on 3,040 loans for an average of €2,566 per loan.

This rise in P2P originations shows how committed we are here at Bondora to providing you with the best possible investment options. In fact, our newest service is leading the way and becoming even more popular with Bondora investors.

The Growth of Go & Grow

Our newest service, Go & Grow has steadily been on the rise since we introduced it less than 6 months ago. Investors have been pleased with the stability of a 6.75%* p.a. return while being afforded an easy way to invest in peer-to-peer loans. Additionally, because Go & Grow allows investors fast liquidity, there is no fear of tying up capital long-term in their Bondora account. Go & Grow customers can take their money out of their account with ease, for any reason. The addition of a “set-it-and-forget-it” model in which you as an investor don’t have to think about what loans to invest in, makes it so easy anyone can do it.

The benefits of Go & Grow have made it obvious as to its success in recent months. In October, Go & Grow accounted for 50% of the total investments on Bondora, easily eclipsing the 40% share it held last month. In total, Go & Grow accounted for €3,897,385 of the total investment in Bondora loans.

The Growth of Go & Grow - September 2018

The Growth of Go & Grow - October 2018

Overall Shift in Services

As previously mentioned, Bondora users are shifting their investments to Go & Grow at a rapid rate. This has continued to shift the landscape of investment in Bondora P2P products as a whole. Portfolio Manager decreased its share of investments even further than last month’s change, falling 4% to 27% of investments on the platform. Meanwhile, Portfolio Pro dropped even further, losing 6% of its share down to 22%. API investing accounted for the same 1% it did in September.

As more and more investors see the benefit of Go & Grow we could see these numbers continue to shift as the landscape of investing in Bondora changes. Luckily, Portfolio Pro, Portfolio Manager, and API investing still provide the same great services they did in the past, and users now have more choice.

More Products + Higher Loan Origination

After a decade of working tirelessly to offer investors with the best options across the board, we believe Bondora has created the perfect peer-to-peer lending platform. Bondora allows everyone, from beginner to expert, to invest in a way which makes them feel comfortable.

The addition of Go & Grow fits in well with our Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro products. Investors are now able to choose from a variety of options which best fit their needs. You can read more about our products here.

More Products + Higher Loan Origination - Bondora

Go & Grow – Stability and ease of use are hallmarks of our Go & Grow service. With a 6.75%* return and a simple model with no decision-making necessary, Go & Grow is so easy, anyone can use it. Tack on extremely fast liquidity and it’s no surprise as to why Go & Grow has quickly become the most popular Bondora service.

Portfolio Manager – Portfolio Manager provides investors with a middle ground between a completely automated investment, and user-control. Users are given the opportunity to decide from a few options — such as their risk profile, maximum investment per loan, and spare cash balance — while the rest of the investing process is automated. This is a great step for investors who are interested in making some investment decisions on their own but are not yet ready to build a more customized investment profile.

Portfolio Manager

Portfolio Pro – For those who like to have even more control over their investment decisions, Portfolio Pro is a great choice. Portfolio Pro users can select from a variety of filters to determine which loans fit their investment profile. Filters include: country, Bondora rating, loan duration, maximum investment per borrower, interest, and more. With a variety of filters to choose from, investors create a more customized investment strategy.

Bondora Portfolio Pro

API – For maximum investment customization, customers can use our API integration to create their own investment criteria and settings, creating new and improved investment strategies. However, API use will require significant programming skills, and therefore is only used by a small percentage of Bondora customers.

What’s on Deck?

At Bondora we strive to provide the best peer-to-peer lending services in the industry. This is why over the past decade we have worked tirelessly to listen to the needs of our customers and work to develop new products and services to give everyone the opportunity to invest with confidence.

As investors flock to Go & Grow, we will continue to work to increase our loan offerings. A more diverse array of loans will stabilize an already solid 6.75%* target return, and give passive investors a way to generate sizable returns. Meanwhile, growing loan offerings will be even more of a reason for investors to control their own investment choices with Portfolio Manager or Portfolio Pro.

You can always find more information on our website to learn about our products, return statistics, and updates on what is to come.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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