Bondora Investments Exceeded €10M in May

Exciting news! Investors exceeded the €10 million mark in May, hitting €10,151,227 in total investments on the month. This is a 12.2% increase compared to April and a significant milestone for Bondora in 2021. Let’s see if investments will continue on this upward path of growth.

Bondora Investments Exceeded €10M in May.
Bondora Investments Exceeded €10M in May.

All Bondora product categories grew in May. But it was Go & Grow investments that once again led the charge. Our most popular product increased by 12.3% on the month to €9,420,950. Portfolio Manager followed by €437,410 invested, representing an 11.1% increase month-over-month.

Investment by product – May 2021
Investment by product – May 2021

Investment by product

There is not much change to report when it comes to the total share that each product has. This is likely because all categories of Bondora investment grew proportionally month-to-month. Go & Grow and Portfolio Pro took larger shares at the expense of Portfolio Manager and API investments, although this change was negligible at best.

May investment by product
May investment by product

April investment by product
April investment by product

Go & Grow is still preferred for its returns

Go & Grow remains Bondora investors’ product of choice by far. Why is this? Likely because of the steady return rate provided by Go & Grow without having to manage the investment actively. In just a few easy steps, anyone can invest in Go & Grow at a return rate of up to 6.75%* p.a. It’s hands-free investment at its finest.

How is this possible? By simplifying the investment process, Bondora can diversify the risk of Go & Grow investors across consumer loans, which consistently return over 9% p.a. Even with the unexpected late or missed payments by borrowers, Bondora is still able to provide up to a 6.75%* p.a. return rate for Go & Grow investors.

With such an easy setup and investment process, along with a solid return rate, it’s no wonder Bondora investors time and again flock to Go & Grow.

Breaking the €10 million mark

Bondora broke through the €10 million milestone in May, hitting €10,151,227 in investment on the month. This influx of capital by investors shows their continued trust in Bondora to provide a high-quality online investing opportunity. This is especially true for Go & Grow, which garners more than 92% of all investments on the Bondora platform.

Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.

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