Bondora sees significant growth for cash recovered in March

It was another month of increased recoveries for Bondora in March. After surpassing 50,000 recoveries in February, recoveries grew by 4.4% to a total of 54,103. Bailiff recoveries once again showed solid growth, higher by 5.9% on the month. Additionally, there was consistent growth for recoveries across all Bondora originating countries.

Cash Recoveries show impressive growth

The amount of cash recovered outpaced total recoveries over the month. While total recoveries grew by 4.4%, the amount of cash recovered jumped 35.3% to a total of €744,546. All told, the average missed payment recovery came to €13.76. This was led by cash recovered in Estonia, which totaled €479,293 in March, higher by 84.3%. The majority of all cash recovered (77.2%) still comes from the bailiff recovery stage.

The 2019 recovery rate increases

The recovery rate for 2020 came down from its high levels to settle at 56.95%, near historical return rates. Meanwhile, the return rate for 2019 actually increased on the month, coming in at 57.36% compared to 55.78% one month ago. The recovery rates for previous years remained consistent compared to last month.

Recoveries by Country

The 2020 recovery rate for Spain is still astronomically high at 174.69%, while the Finnish recovery rate was much lower this month, at 49.71%. A pleasant surprise was the increase in the Estonian recovery rate for 2019, which came in at 62.43% compared to 56.74% last month.

A strong month of recoveries for Bondora

Not only was more cash recovered over the month, some areas of recovery showed increased rates, a rarity when it comes to recoveries. Numbers for Estonian recoveries were exceptionally good, while a €13.76 average recovery payment is impressive compared to previous months.

All things considered, Bondora continues to show investors that it can recover missed payments from borrowers in a timely manner, and thereby maintain solid investor returns.

You can always view missed payment recoveries and all other Bondora data at any time. Check out our real-time statistics to see not only recovery data on all Bondora missed payments, but loan history, returns data, and more.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk. Investments made through Bondora are not guaranteed; therefore any assets allocated to the Go & Grow account are not guaranteed by any state fund or otherwise secured and it may not be possible to liquidate assets or withdraw money immediately. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a., but please note that the yield achieved in past periods does not guarantee the rate of return in the future. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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