Categoria: Stats & Data

Mid-quarter Drop in Investments and Originations

After increasing in July by 18.7%, investment and loan origination figures decreased last month. Investments totaled €14,382,356  and originations €14,405,558 in August. That's a moderate decline of 6.2% and 6.1%, respectively. Read more: Investment by product Investors added €14,382,356 to their Bondora accounts. This equates to a mild drop of 6.2% in investments from the…
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Investments and Originations Grow Again

After having a slow month in June, investment and loan origination figures rebounded and increased steadily by 18.7%. This brought both totals to a solid €15,333,326 in July. This is encouraging to see at the start of Q3. Read more: Investment by product Investment funding increased by 18.7%, from €12,913,190 in June to €15,333,326  in…
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July 2022: Over €1M Recovered

After a slow June, our collection and recovery figures rebounded as anticipated. The number of recovered loans, as well as the total cash recovered, increased. The total recovered cash also climbed to exceed €1 million once again! Read more: The count of loans grew by 0.5% to 79,395 loans in July. And the cash total…
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Secondary Market Activity Continues to Tumble

The number and value of Secondary Market transactions continue to tumble downward. This is in contrast to other activity on Bondora that has picked up after June's summer slump, but the interest in market transactions has not rebounded yet. Activity decreased by 24.5% to a total of €104,846 transacted. Read more: Once again, all three…
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Slow Summer Month for Investments and Originations

After stabilizing in May, investment figures declined from €15,458,394 to €12,913,190 in June. And with loan originations, there was an overall decline of 17.3%. This was expected, as there have been slowdowns in origination and investment activity during the height of summer in the past. Despite the declines, most of the statistics remained consistent, with slight…
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2022 Q2: Loan Portfolio Performing Well

June marked the end of Q2, so in this blog post, we can have the first look at the new quarter's performance. Overall, it looks positive, with stability and growth for most markets. Although the yearly return rate decreased slightly, it is still far performing well ahead of its target rates. The last 10 quarters…
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78,972 Loans Recovered in June

As expected, June’s cashflow figures are lower than May’s, which skyrocketed due to the sale of old, defaulted loans from the Estonian market. Our cash recovery decreased by 63.0% to €815,746. But in contrast, the number of recovered loans increased by 3.4% to 78,972 loans recovered. Read more: Overall, in June, we recovered a total…
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June: Decline in Secondary Market Activity

As has become quite normal, Secondary Market activity decreased after increasing the previous month. Activity decreased by 24.0% to a total of €138,878 transacted. Manual transactions still have the largest share of all transactions (49.2%), which equals €68,345. Read more: In June, all three categories decreased, with Portfolio Manager dropping the most (-30.8%) from May.…
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Another Good Month for the Loan Portfolio Performance

We're in the middle of 2022 Q2, and the portfolio performance is looking good. All three markets show robust and reliable growth rates across different risk-rating categories. The yearly return rates for all three markets continue to exceed their targets. Some quarterly rates for 2021 decreased from April, but they perform well ahead of their…
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Originations and Investment Funding Stabilize in May

Both originations and investment funding declined slightly in May, but remained at sustainable growth levels. Investment funding totaled 15,458,394 and loan originations totaled €15,618,880. Read more: After setting new highs for investment funding in April, May's figures declined by 0.6% to €15,458,394. Go & Grow remains the overwhelmingly significant product with €14,980,825, Portfolio Manager follows…
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