🔥🥳💐 Happy Midsummer!

Happy Midsummer!

Midsummers’s Day (jaanipäev) on June 24 and jaanilaupäev before it, are the most important holidays on the Estonian calendar. For those who don’t know, it’s just after the Summer Solstice, which is the longest day in the year. In Estonia there’s almost 19 hours of daylight on Jaanipäev!

To celebrate all the sunshine, we light bonfires, wear flower crowns, and sing and dance the ‘night’ away with loved ones until the dawn of June 24. Sounds fantastic right?

It’s the perfect chance to enjoy life, go away to a summer cottage, make new memories with friends, grill outside, and enjoy the warmth of summer.

😊 We wish you a happy Jaanipäev!

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