Predicting borrower behavior, news roundup and performance recovery


How to predict if a borrower will pay you back

We brought readers some data-driven insights regarding buyer behavior. By reviewing research on the topic, we learned that default probabilities rise as the interest rate of a loan increases. Also, the literature reveals that loan purpose can indicate heightened default risk in cases where the borrower is funding a small business. Meanwhile life events like a wedding are far more likely to avoid default.

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Weekly industry news roundup – June 19, 2017

Politico reported on the Marketplace Lending Association’s first ever meeting with lawmakers.
The Economic Times published a piece looking at how the rise of P2P lending doesn’t necessarily portend doom for banks.
The Los Angeles Times warned that “Online lenders are a growing economic and political force.
Peer 2 Peer Finance News offered a quick guide from small and medium sized enterprises seeking capital through P2P lending options.
Forbes released an article looking at the personal finance habits of millennials. It cites studies revealing that “The Millennials are the biggest generation in history.”

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Performance of recovery process – June 2017

We covered the monthly recovery figures across all markets. While there were some modest declines, Slovakia was the only country to drop more than three percentage points while the country’s average recovery for 2016 is still strong at 75%. The overall trend remains positive as seen by eleven quarters of improved performance relative to the preceding quarter across all countries in 2016.

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