Benefits of Personal Statistics Page

Click here for the German or Estonian video.

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This video introduces the new outlook and benefits of your Personal Statistics Page. The page provides different graphs and charts that will help you measure your profitability. Charts like ‘Portfolio profitability’, ‘Net interest received’, ‘Monthly portfolio by planned vs received’, ‘Secondary market purchases’, ‘Secondary market sales’, ‘Recovery rate’ among others can also be customized as described in the video.


And if you can’t find any graphs or charts on your own personal statistics page, simply click the ‘settings’ icon next to the question mark at the top right corner of your statistics page then select ‘Restore defaults’ on the pop-up and your graphs will be restored.


Feel free to drop us a comment to let us know if you’ll like us to cover any topic on our video series and we’ll be glad to make video posts on them.

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