Category: Stats & Data

What is default rate and recovery rate?

Today we are writing about the default rate and the recovery rate of the defaulted loans. How is the default rate calculated? Some of you have asked us different questions about the default rate. In order to answer them, we first need to give a definition of the default rate. In our case, a loan…
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How to set up a portfolio manager?

If you are new to Bondora, it may be unclear how to set up your first portfolio manager. Should there be more than one portfolio manager? What criteria should you select? What does "portfolio limit" mean? Today we will explain what to look for when setting up your portfolio manager and start your automated investments.…
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Recovery rates for different debt-to-income levels

Some of the investors have enquired about the differences in recovery rates for different levels of debt-to-income. To explore this topic, we took a look at different timeframes (2011, 2012, 2013) and  discovered a tendency for no visible negative affect of the DTI level on recovery rates.* The chart below shows all recoveries and re-performing…
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€10 million of loans issued and €1 million interest paid

We have reached 2 important milestones: we have paid out 1 million euro in interest to investors and issued 10 million euro in loans to borrowers. See the infographic below for more information.
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