Help us find our new Senior .NET developer and earn €1,000

We are also giving away €1,000 in cash to make it worthwhile for you to support us.

Let us know if you have a friend, colleague or a family member that would be perfect for the Senior .NET developer position at Bondora.

  • First take a look at the job description and make sure the person you are thinking of really fits the bill
  • Talk to the person you think would be suitable and see if they are interested
  • When pitching the position, make sure to refer to the job description in our blog
  • If they are interested, forward their contact information along with their CV or link to their LinkedIn account to (along with a reference to this offer) and make sure your friend knows we will be contacting them

In case your friend is hired, we will pay you a reference fee of €1,000 four months into the contract.
Share the word and help make Bondora better!

Te-ai săturat de băncile mari și de modurile lor robotice?
Obțineți împrumutul pe care îl meritați de la Bondora.

  • O ofertă de împrumut personalizată online în 60 de secunde
  • Opțiuni flexibile de rambursare
  • Fără taxe ascunse
Începeți acum
Acesta este un serviciu financiar. Vă rugăm să examinați termenii și condițiile noastre pe și să consultați un expert dacă este necesar.