The stats are in! An 8 figure sum was invested in Bondora in 2017

Welcome to the monthly origination post for December, here we go in to detail about the distribution of investments that were made and some interesting stats per country of origin. If you missed November’s post, you can check it out here. The total amount invested through the platform in December was €2,867,314, the lowest figure since July. This reduction was expected over the festive period, as many people are buying presents and travelling to visit family and friends.

The total amount invested in the platform in 2017 alone was €34,960,392, this is an impressive increase of nearly 23% compared to 2016. The number of investors at the time of writing has also increased up to 31,798.

Loan origination by country

December followed a similar pattern to November, where the highest number of originations were seen in Estonia. While the share in relation to the total investments decreased here, there was a slight increase in Spain and Finland. When comparing the December originations to the summary for 2017, it’s clear that the interest rates in Spain and Finland are much lower, suggesting a smaller percentage of investors are choosing to invest in higher risk loans as part of their overall strategy in the most recent months.

Share by country – December 2017
Country Interest Amount Share
ESTONIA 21.65% €1,872,190 65.29%
SPAIN 58.90% €271,709 9.48%
FINLAND 36.53% €723,415 25.23%
Share by country – 2017 Totals
Country Interest Amount Share
ESTONIA 20.91% €23,346,618 66.78%
SPAIN 96.40% €4,784,894 13.69%
FINLAND 46.03% €6,828,880 19.53%

Share by rating, country and amount

The table below contains the weighted average interest rate, total amount and share per country of origination and rating. Here are some key takeaway’s we can see:

  • Loans graded with a ‘D’ rating account for the highest share of investments at 18.77% of the total share, closely followed by ‘C’ rated loans at 18.15%.
  • ‘HR’ rated loans had the lowest number originated at 4.18% of the total share, an increase of 0.33% since last month.
  • 72.5% of loans originated in Spain are rated F and HR.
  • Estonian ‘C’ rated loans account for the highest share in the country’s total originations at 24.28%.
  • The highest average interest rate in Estonia was seen in ‘E’ rated loans at 34.91%
Share by country and rating – December 2017
Rating Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share
AA 9.90% €182,033 6.35% 8.91% €37,008 1.29%
A 11.92% €165,851 5.78% 11.47% €33,534 1.17%
B 15.13% €407,017 14.20% 14.61% €49,248 1.72%
C 20.91% €454,506 15.85% 23.12% €6,003 0.21% 21.56% €59,928 2.09%
D 29.68% €392,439 13.69% 29.68% €17,084 0.60% 28.16% €128,543 4.48%
E 34.91% €270,344 9.43% 37.95% €51,599 1.80% 37.03% €135,972 4.74%
F 55.30% €121,233 4.23% 50.20% €234,977 8.20%
HR 88.32% €75,790 2.64% 73.52% €44,205 1.54%

What conclusions can you draw from this data? We would love to hear them, so please leave us a comment below.

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