When is the best time to start investing? | Bondora Heroes: Ep 1

Welcome to the first episode in our exciting Bondora Heroes series. As we approach 80,000 Bondora investors, this series is a perfect way to showcase the stories of our investors – and what they do in their everyday lives.

Meet Joao, a Portuguese entrepreneur living in Estonia. If you’ve ever thought to yourself ‘When should I start investing?’, Joao shares his take on the best time to begin (and the second-best). Spoiler alert – it’s never too late.

When Joao first moved to Estonia, he planned to stay for 3 years. 12 years later, he still has no intentions of leaving. Joao, like most, doesn’t have time to manage different investments but still wants to benefit from diversification. He chooses to invest via Go & Grow – mostly because of the stable return, simplicity, and time-efficiency. This means Joao can spend more time on his hobbies and business, all the while knowing his investments are in good hands.

Invest now

Joao - Bondora Heroes

‘The best time to start investing would have been 20 years ago, and the second-best time is now.’

Do you want to be featured in our Bondora Heroes series? Let us know at investor@bondora.com

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