A recap of our videos in July

In the month of July, we highlighted some of the exciting new features and possibilities on our platform, focusing on our new Wishlist, Tax report & Account value, Support and Automatic deposits. Get more details below.

Wishlist – Bondora

Over the years, our website has significantly improved, thanks to you our investors and our developers who bring your ideas to live.

Our feature request tool which we now call “Wishlist“ has been redesigned to a simpler and more intuitive one. You can now track the progress of your ideas from start to finish and even vote for your favourite ideas.

To start, click the “Wishlist“ button at the top of your screen, click the “Add an idea“ button, fill out the form to provide more information about your ideas and click the “Post“ button below the page to send it and our team will review them at the end of every month.

How do I cancel my automatic deposit? — Bondora

At Bondora, your security is our priority. If your card is stolen, you lost the card or you simply want to stop your automatic deposits for some time, no need to worry, you can cancel it by yourself in just a few clicks.

To do this, click the “Add money“ button on your main menu and select the card symbol in the first step. In the second step, choose any of the options and in the third step, click “Cancel recurring payment“ and it’s done!

Don’t forget to check our blog and Facebook page for more updates like this. Until next time, thanks for watching, keep investing and bye for now.

Tax report & Account value – Bondora

We have received requests from our users to have their account value information included in the tax report.

We are happy to let you know that we have implemented this for you. Now, when you generate your tax report, it comes with your account values for the first day and last day of the year. This will give you an overview of the important figures you need for your tax declaration.

Contacting our support – Bondora

It is important that when you contact our support, you write to us using the email address you registered with.

This is very important because if you use a different email address, our support won’t be able to locate your account on the platform and this will lead to unnecessary delays in solving your queries. Not only that, it will also limit us from sharing sensitive information with you over such email address.

So, please remember to always write to us from the email you are registered with. This way, we can serve you more efficiently.

Remember to check our blog and connect with us on Facebook for more. Until next time, thanks for watching, keep investing and bye for now.

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