At 2.85%, HR rated loans had the lowest share in January

Welcome to the monthly origination post for January, here we go in to detail about the distribution of investments that were made and some interesting stats per country of origin. If you missed December’s post, you can check it out here. The total amount invested through the platform in January was €3,542,447, a 23.5% increase since December. December showed the lowest figure invested since July, although this was expected over the festive period as people tend to use their money for other purposes at this time. At the time of writing, we now have 33,078 investors.

Loan Origination by Country

While the distribution of investments by geography were similar to the previous months, there were some slight changes. Estonia still has the highest share of investments at 63.5% although this decreased from 65.29% in December. The total share in Spain for the month stood at 8.1% which also saw a small reduction compared to the end of 2017. The reductions in investments in both Estonia and Spain led to higher number of originations in Finland last month at 28.4% of the total share, a 3.17% increase.

Along with the changes in the total share, the total weighted average interest rate across each region increased.

loan origination by country january 2018


loan origination by country december 2017

Share by rating, country and amount

The table below contains the weighted average interest rate, total amount and share per country of origination and rating. Here are some key takeaway’s we can see:

  • Loans graded with a ‘C’ rating account for the highest share of investments at 21.13% of the total, closely followed by ‘D’ rated loans at 17.37%.
  • ‘HR’ rated loans had the lowest number originated at 2.85% of the total share, a reduction of 1.33% since last month.
  • 78.3% of loans originated in Spain are rated F and HR, in December this figure was 72.5%
  • Finnish ‘F’ rated loans account for the highest share in the country’s total originations at 35.71%.
  • The lowest average interest rate across all countries was seen in ‘AA’ rated loans in Finland 9.61%

loan origination by rating country amount january 2018

What conclusions can you draw from this data? We would love to hear them, leave us a comment below and let us know.

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