Monthly origination summary for October 2016

Loan originations totaling €2,445,710 in October were helped by Finland which had a 24% growth over last month in both amount and interest rate. Below we’ve listed the detail of originations by country and rating for the entirety of October 2016.

Loan origination by country

Estonia continues to represent the largest proportion of originations at 63% of the total. Finland is poised for continued growth as their share increased from 15% last month to 20% in October. Spain originations came in at 16%.

Share by country – October 2016
Country Interest Amount Share
ESTONIA 21,56% 1542970 63,09%
SPAIN 65,63% 403555 16,50%
FINLAND 42,02% 499185 20,41%

Loan origination by grade

78% of the originations in Estonia this month were concentrated among equal representation of C, D and E ratings. The country continues to offer opportunities for those interested in A and AA loans. Estonia’s originations, in total, represent a stronger rating than the totals of those in Finland and Spain.

  • Estonia’s interest rates range from 21-35% in the C-F rating range allowing investors to strike a balance between aggressive return and modulated risk. The E rated originations offer both the highest share of the total and the second highest interest rate.
  • Spain’s originations are almost entirely consolidated to the HR rating and as a result offer the highest interest rate of 121%. Spain’s growing origination share among the other two countries may signal a growing interest by investors in these high-interest, higher risk loans.
  • Finland’s originations gradually increase moving from the B to HR range. The HR loans offer the second highest interest rate of all loans at 95%. Investors looking to mitigate risk will be attracted to the stronger B and C ratings, which show returns of 15% and 21%.
Share by country and grade – October 2016
Monthly origination summary for October 2016 EstoniaESTONIA Monthly origination summary for October 2016 SpainSPAIN Monthly origination summary for October 2016 FinlandFINLAND
Rating Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share
AA 10,41% 32070 1,28%
A 12,14% 47490 1,39%
B 15,82% 213230 9,48% 15,33% 19765 1,04%
C 21,49% 441080 22,40% 21,14% 57060 5,04%
D 25,71% 369370 21,52% 29,87% 138505 16,77%
E 33,13% 343635 34,26% 38,80% 8820 0,49% 36,81% 81950 11,28%
F 35,67% 96095 9,66% 44,70% 46860 3,95% 56,29% 117235 26,82%
HR 121,94% 347875 95,56% 95,64% 84670 39,05%

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