Portfolio Manager hits €1M investments in September

In September, there was overall growth in funding for our investment products, with a total of €2,968,622 invested. Portfolio Manager continues to be investors’ preferred investment method in September, following August’s popularity trend. It soared past the €1M mark with a total of €1,159,262 invested.

Portfolio Manager ascended to investment levels
Portfolio Manager ascended to investment levels similar to what we saw pre-crisis.

It’s the highest investment amount we’ve seen for Portfolio Manager since March 2020. Portfolio Pro also grew in popularity, garnering €966,668 in investments. Perhaps next month, it will hit the €1M mark too?

Value of investments by product September
Value of investments by product – September

Portfolio Pro, the second-best performing product for September, rose by 8.7% in money invested. This growth is an almost complete reversal of the 9.0% decline we saw in August. Portfolio Manager, however, remains the star of the month, with a 17.5% increase. It also took up a 38% share of the money invested—a 2.0% increase from last month.

In contrast to Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro’s increases, Go & Grow and the API both saw declines in product funding. Go & Grow’s decrease was a small 3.6%, whereas the APIs was 17.0%.

September Portfolio Manager takes an even bigger share of investments
September: Portfolio Manager takes an even bigger share of investments.
August: Portfolio Manager had the largest share of funding
August: Portfolio Manager had the largest share of funding.

September is the second consecutive month we’ve seen a decline in Go & Grow investments, but it was expected after the showstopping comeback of a 286.2% increase in July.

Automate your monthly payments with Go & Grow auto-transfer

We know you live a busy life and don’t have time to look at your investments every day. That’s why we’re always working to make your investment experience simpler and hassle-free. One of the ways we achieve this is with the Go & Grow auto-transfer feature.

When you enable Auto-transfer, it automatically invests any available money in Wallet into your Go & Grow account.* How neat is that! Now you won’t miss out on potential returns if you forget to add money to your Go & Grow account.

Children future

With Auto-transfer, your money works for you—automatically—in the best way possible. Want to start investing now? Read more about Go & Grow here.

*Please note: Even if there is more money available, Auto-transfer will only add money up until the Go & Grow payment limit amount.

Sustainability all the way

Bondora is focusing on long-term sustainability instead of rushing for exponential growth rates. The return of up to 6.75%* p.a. for Go & Grow continues to be a stronghold and flagship benefit for all investors to enjoy. We fully expect this to continue to be the case for the foreseeable future.

Read more about Go & Grow and other Bondora investment products here.

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