Weekly industry news roundup — November 14, 2016


On Friday, last week, TechBullion wrote an interesting piece about the ever-growing P2P marketplace in the UK. They reported a Statista estimate that P2P money transfer users in the UK will reach 8.9 million by the end of 2016. Their article also highlighted increasing interest in mobile wallets.

The Taranaki Daily News reported on New Zealand’s first “fintech” conference where P2P lending was the major topic. One marketplace lending executive shared his aspirations for building the P2P sphere in New Zealand by espousing that “The rewards are there in terms of changing tax laws, and going that step further to enable the P2P industry.”

On Wednesday, Crowdfund Insider reported on the burgeoning interest in New Zealand’s peer-to-peer landscape. They explained that Trade Me (ASX:TME) has invested in one of the country’s largest P2P platforms by purchasing $670,000 worth of stock.

Business Insider reported on the influence the recent US election results will have on the fintech world. The author postulated that some regulations regarding fintech may slow or experience temporary moratoriums.

Everyinvestor offered an interesting look at five questions a potential investor should ask themselves in preparation to invest in P2P loans. The author explained that one should ask about the people behind the corporation, how the business operates, how risk is managed and finally, how the business communicates with clients.


Our German speaking readers can check out an article from DEAL-Magazin about how Bondora is able to leverage the market gap between big banks and microlenders. Bondora CEO Pärtel Tomberg explains that Bondora creates a win-win situation for investors who aim to get better returns and help borrowers who can’t get credit from the banks and are not interested in the high interest rates of the micro and payday lenders.

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