Bondora Highlights from Q1 2023

New year, new highlights! At Bondora, we believe in working hard and celebrating hard. Each highlight, no matter how small, should be acknowledged. And there were some big milestones to celebrate in Q1 of 2023. Check them out: 

Spoiler alert, we have a new origination record 🤩

Thank you for being one of over 200,000 Bondora investors.
Thank you for being one of over 200,000 Bondora investors.

Our 15th birthday

We celebrated our 15th birthday! If the Bondora from 2008 could only see us now. Thank you to every investor who forms part of the Bondora community. You’re incredible, and we can’t wait to see what our shared future will bring.

Denny Neidhardt, passionate finance blogger at re:think P2P, held his annual Top 10 P2P platform survey earlier this year. On Saturday 1 April, he published the findings. Bondora ranked 8th most popular in Europe, as voted for by investors.

We’re honored to claim a spot in the top 10 and want to thank you for your confidence in us! You can check out the full results on his website.

TalTech workshop

As part of our CSR (corporate social responsibility), we actively support future Tech Superheroes. This is why we collaborated with TalTech on their computer science curriculum introduction event, INIT 2023.

Bondora Data Platform Team Lead Lauri Koobas presented the workshop – credit: Robin Nook
Bondora Data Platform Team Lead Lauri Koobas presented the workshop – credit: Robin Nook

Our very own Data Platform Team Lead, Lauri Koobas, hosted a workshop about how time can be expressed in computers and why it matters. It was an insightful outing, and we look forward to doing it again soon.

TalTech students at the workshop – Photo credit: Robin Nook
CSR Highlight: TalTech students at the workshop – Photo credit: Robin Nook

Biggest highlight: originations set a new record

The first loan originations for the year started with a bang, increasing by 6.4% to €17,137,703. The bulk of this increase came from Finland, with €11,364,004. This is one of the Finnish market’s highest loan origination figures ever.

In February, loan originations increased by 12.2%, totaling €19,228,733. This is the highest origination figure we’ve seen since 2019!

But then, the quarter ended with a flourish. During March, we originated €23,302,691 in loans, a new record for Bondora!

Operational upgrade

Our risk team implemented a new Estonian risk-scoring model to enhance its predictiveness. This will allow for more accurate predictions, higher-quality borrowers, and increased timely payments, which could result in lower recovery costs.

Office highlight: paw patrol in the building

We love having dogs in the office, so naturally, they need a spot on our quarterly highlights post 😊

Our resident Breaks and Relaxation Officer is testing out the break room couch.
Office Highlight: Our resident Breaks and Relaxation Officer is testing out the break room couch.

Investments are sky high

January investments rose by 6.7% to a total of €17,087,257. This is setting an excellent tone for the start of the new year, especially when compared to January 2022.

And in February, investments totaled €20,660,543. Go & Grow received 18,652,183. Portfolio Pro received an unprecedented €1,694,883. Portfolio Manager followed with €302,822, and the API with €10,655.

Invest now

kood/Jõhvi workshop

With over 40% of our people working in data and engineering roles, we’re committed to encouraging everyone to learn to program. And so, we did a workshop with kood/Jõhvi and their programming students. Kalle Volkov, our CIO, led this interactive workshop.

Bondora Chief Information Officer, Kalle Volkov, led the workshop.
Bondora Chief Information Officer, Kalle Volkov, led the workshop.

The workshop involved working in teams, being mentored by our experts, and having plenty of pizza, snacks, and fun! They learned how to use AISP APIs to fetch paged data, categorize and understand the semantics of it, and extract real value from an unstructured set of abstract data.

kood/Jõhvi students, AKA future Bondora tech superheroes.
kood/Jõhvi students, AKA future Bondora tech superheroes.

We hope the kood/Jõhvi students enjoyed it as much as we did and will aspire to become future Bondora Superheroes.

Thanks for sharing in our highlights! If you want to be part of the exciting Bondora story, check out our vacancies 🚀

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