Light the Bonfires; Midsummer Is Here 🔥

If you live in Estonia, then jaanipäev needs no introduction. Also known as Midsummer’s Day, on 24 June, the whole country celebrates with huge bonfires, grilling, and having a good time with friends and family. But as 23 June is Victory Day, the celebrations start early and continue well into the (white) night.

Light the bonfires; Midsummer is here!
Light the bonfires; Midsummer is here!

Midsummer occurs just after the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. It’s the perfect time to enjoy life, go to the countryside, make new memories with friends, grill outside, and enjoy the warmth of summer.

While we’re all celebrating Midsummer, you can continue to invest with Bondora online, wherever you are, 24/7. And remember, this summer, burn bonfires, not your savings 😉

Head jaanipäeva from all the superheroes at Bondora!

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