New! Invest €1,000 per month

Great news! You can now invest up to €1,000 per month on your Go & Grow account.
Great news! You can now invest up to €1,000 per month on your Go & Grow account.

More money, more investors

More than 175,000 investors have invested over €500M, and those numbers keep on rising. But exponential growth isn’t our priority. We’re making sure our rocket ship remains sustainable. That way, our investors remain protected while still enjoying the benefits they know and love.

Why a €1,000 limit is the magic number

As more and more people want to invest in Go & Grow, it’s important to ensure the quality of the underlying portfolio powering this engine. To keep up with impressive demand from our investor community, we are increasing our lending volume in a sustainable way. But that doesn’t happen overnight.

A limit of €1,000 per investor per month means everyone still gets a piece of the pie.

As we grow, we want you to grow too. You can now invest up to €1,000 net into your Go & Grow account every month with the updated limit.

Thank you for trusting the process and embracing long-term sustainability with us. Happy investing!

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