Sustainability prevails: April 2020

As expected, originations in April were lower than previous months and returned to levels similar to what we saw in 2018. This is an intentional move to remain sustainable throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also why no new originations were made via Go & Grow in April, and will not be until partial payouts are no longer active. Interestingly, this has paved the way for Portfolio Pro, Portfolio Manager, and the API to take a higher total share – attributed to the more active investors in the Bondora community. Read on to take a closer look.

Investment by product table - April 2020

Compared to March, Portfolio Manager’s share increased by 28% to 40% of the total. Similarly, Portfolio Pro’s share increased by 32% to 54% of the total. A smaller but notable change was seen in the API share, increasing by 5% to 6% of the total. Typically, these products are favoured by more active investors who like to have much more control over the specific investments in their portfolio.

Share by product April 2020
Share by product March 2020

Staying updated with Statements

Investors can always find their most up-to-date account information with Bondora Statements. Simply navigate to the left panel of your Bondora account and go to Statements. Since the returns are added daily, this page will have the most recent financial information for your account. This will also help track your investment yield in real-time. You can even access custom reports by switching from Overview to Statements. Enter a date range and you can download a detailed Statement report for your specified time period.

The Statement tool from Bondora provides investors with complete account transparency from the moment an account is opened. It’s this transparency and real-time financial information that make Bondora a trusted partner to invest with.

Sustainability prevails

Despite a change in the share of investments by product, Bondora remains sustainable. We continue to deliver on the net return of up to 6.75%* p.a. for Go & Grow investors, and have a positive outlook for the coming months.

In case you missed it, check out our recent Ask Me Anything session with our CEO.

Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.

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