Kairi’s pick of 2020’s top questions, support team highlights & more!

Hi there, I’m Kairi from Bondora’s Investor Associates‘ team. Our team strives to answer all your questions and to give you first-class customer service. I’ve been at Bondora quite some time now, 7 years and counting 🚀 What a journey with an amazing team! #bondora

As we all know, this year has been a little different from all the previous ones… 

And, to balance it out, I’m going to share only the joyous moments in this post: Highlights in our Support team, quick wins, new features, the top questions we received from our investors, and a brief sneak-peek into 2021. But, without further ado, let’s get going!

Kairi has worked across several departments, starting as an assistant, and now she leads our Investor Associates' team.
Kairi has worked across several departments, starting as an assistant, and now she leads our Investor Associates‘ team.

First, let’s check some numbers.

Exactly one year ago, we announced that we have an incredible 93,000 investors at Bondora. This number has increased impressively by almost 64% to 145,000 investors within one year, and I’m glad to see this number growing daily.

„From our entire team, I’d like to give a huge thank you to both new and long-term investors for being with us and for your trust.“ 🤗

A few weeks ago, we received exciting news. Based on Estonia’s top financial newspaper, Äripäev‚s equivalent to Fortune 500 companies in Estonia, Bondora is number 40 in the overall ranking and number 15 in growth (based on 2019 results). So, thank you one more time – without you we couldn’t have done it. 🎉🎉

Our team celebrates successes, both big and small.
Our team celebrates successes, both big and small.

Bondora highlights for 2020:

  • Successful Invest & Drive campaign. In March, we launched a super popular campaign for all our investors with two awesome cash prizes. But the grand prize stole the show: the new BMW 330i. Kristianne from our team drove to Austria to hand over the prize to our lucky winner Simon. The campaign was a huge success, and we loved seeing our happy winner. Congrats again, Simon!
  • New support site. In August, we launched our new support site to give you instant answers to all your questions. Now you don’t have to wait to get answers. Go to bondora.com/support, type in your question, and voilà! You’ll save time and get the solution you’re looking for in seconds.
  • Beautiful new office. In September, we introduced our new revamped office to the world (we thought it’s just too cool not to share). If you missed that post, check out this quick virtual tour hosted by our Investor Relations Associate, Temmy.

In the team

It’s been a successful year for our Investor Relations team, both in our work and personal lives. At the beginning of the year, we set goals, and we’re happy to say we met them! ✨

Customer happiness is the number 1 priority in our team, and I’m happy to share that customer satisfaction with our Support has a 92% average happiness rating. This is a result of being able to reply to queries faster and better than ever before. Great job, team!

Here are a few of our highlights:

Customer satisfaction with our support team is 92%
Customer satisfaction with our support team is 92%

In February, we welcomed our new marvelous team member, Michelle. Michelle is taking care of your queries in English and helps with onboarding questions or product overviews. Check out this how-to video 👈 where she explains our products selection.

Temmy and Kristianne don’t need an introduction. They’ve been our YouTube stars for quite some time ⭐  I hope you don’t mind that I share the happy news and congratulate you publicly too…

Congratulations on getting married (separately 😁😁)! Best wishes for a fun-filled future together with your loved ones.

But, that’s not it. We have even more great news! Our beloved team member Kristianne is expecting a baby 🍼 and will soon go on maternity leave. While we all celebrate and feel happy for her, unfortunately, it also means that we won’t see her that often in the office nor the weekly videos. But remember, I said this post would only be positive, so first, we know that Kristianne will rejoin us as soon as she’s back from maternity leave. And second, we will need a new team member soon. And it might be you! So, dare yourself to apply if you feel you’ll be perfect for the job—no need to wait for an official job posting. 👀

Top questions of the year

Many different topics were raised over the year, but as much as I can recall, at some point, we kept receiving questions on how to move money on the account and between different products. To improve this experience, we introduced Wallet, a new feature to let you know what exactly is going on in your account. Read more about Wallet from our October post.

We also received questions on how the economic situation affected us, partial payouts, the KYC form update, and more. I’ll add all the top questions blog posts links below so you can quickly review them whenever you like:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

What to expect from 2021?

As much as I want to, I can’t say much yet. But what I can say is that we’ll continue to aim even higher, bring your more exciting features and product updates! We want to provide you even better service, smoother user experiences, and see more and more happy investors. Stay tuned!

I almost forgot. Here are our opening times over the festive season 🎄

Over the festive season, we may be slower to respond to your queries due to public holidays:

23 December – working until 2 pm (EET)

24 and 25 December – Closed

31 December – working until 2 pm (EET)

1 January – Closed (our team is celebrating the New Year!)

Can’t wait? Find the answers to all of your questions from our Support Guide.

Thank you for another incredible year. We hope you’ll have a wonderful festive season with your loved ones. We’ll see you in the new year when we continue to bring you world-class service!

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

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