Top questions from investors in March 2020 – Answered by Kairi

Hi there, I’m Kairi and I joined Bondora more than six years ago in 2013 when there were fewer than ten people in the company. Today, Bondora has over 116,000 investors from 85 countries all around the world who’ve invested more than €367M. The numbers are growing daily.

Starting as an assistant, I’ve worked across several departments within Bondora, and I’m now leading our Investor Associates’ team. We strive to give first-class customer service to all of our investors.

Important—we’ve updated our payment details 

We’ve changed our partner bank to ensure your payments reach your Bondora account even faster.

What do you need to do? 

Next time you add money to your Bondora account, make sure to use the updated details as below. No need to mark them down, simply take the updated details from “Add money” tab on your account.

Add money - Bondora

1. How can I get the information for my tax declaration?

It is this time of the year again. Here’s a short overview of how to get the necessary information. We have created dedicated reports based on which investment products you are using, only Go & Grow or any other.

Only Go & Grow

If you are using only Go & Grow, you can find the tax report if you open Go & Grow tab on your  account -> Settings -> Go & Grow Tax Report 

To get the report, specify the period and click on Create the report

Go and Grow tax report

With Go & Grow you only pay tax on the money you withdraw which is over the total amount you have paid in. More information on this from our Support Guide article – How will I be taxed for this?

Bondora cannot provide tax, financial, or legal advice. As the laws may be different per country, we recommend that you consult your local tax office for the specifics if, how and when to declare your income.

All products – Portfolio Manager, Portfolio Pro and Go & Grow

All the other necessary reports about your investments and for your tax office can be found on the Reports page on your Bondora account.

We have prepared a summary Tax report in PDF which you can generate and download to declare the income from all our products. It also contains Account value from the beginning until the end of the year.

Tax report - Bondora

2. What actions Bondora is taking to protect investors in times of uncertainty caused by COVID-19 spread?  

It is no doubt that the economic impact of coronavirus is a rising strain across the world. The CEO & founder of Bondora Mr. Pärtel Tomberg explained how Bondora has prepared for such times and aims to stay strong no matter the circumstances.

“We don’t want Bondora to be an additional source of concern, but instead to be a cornerstone of your financial wellbeing throughout and after the coronavirus spread. That is our commitment to you.” says Tomberg in the videocast.

Check out the full story on our blog – “Stay on track”: Bondora CEO shares an update on COVID-19

From everyone at Bondora, we wish you good health and good wealth!

3. Invest and drive, how does it work?

As the summer is no longer far, we have great news to all of you! We recently launched our new exciting campaign Invest & Drive. One lucky guy or girl will win a dream car BMW 330i xDrive Sedan M Sport to cruise into the summer…

Invest and drive - Bondora

Frequently asked questions about the campaign

  • In this campaign does Go & Grow also count as an investment?

Yes, the campaign applies to all Bondora investing products, including Go & Grow.

  • Is there any difference, if you invest once or more times? 

To enter a prize draw you must invest within the campaign period 16/03/2020 – 31/05/2020. The cash prize draw winners will be drawn at random amongst the people who invested before the end of each particular cash prize draw. The winner of the €5,000 prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/04/2020. The winner of the €10,000 prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/05/2020. The winner of the BMW prize will be drawn at random on 01/06/2020 amongst all people invested during the full campaign period 16/03/2020 – 31/05/2020. 

  • Is a person automatically involved in all three draws with single investment? 

Yes, if they invest before the end of first prize draw (as above).

  • If I am making new deposits and investments let’s say weekly or daily, will I get new entry tickets for each of them for the prize draws?

Everyone investing within the period have equal chances to win – making more than one deposit and/or investment during the period does not increase the chances to win the prizes.

In case you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us—our team is happy to assist you in any way. You can email us at during business hours, Mo-Fr: 9–17 EET.

*To participate in the prize draw, you must add money to your Bondora account and invest between 16/03/2020 – 31/05/2020. The winner of the €5,000 prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/04/2020. The winner of the €10,000 prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/05/2020. The winner of the BMW prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/06/2020. The cash prize amounts will be added to the winner’s Bondora account within 7 working days. The BMW prize will be delivered to the winner within the European Economic Area before 01/01/2021. The user agrees not to sell the car and not to remove the Bondora branding elements within the 12 month period after receipt. All prize winners agree to participate in subsequent Bondora marketing campaigns which may include, but are not limited to, written and visual content. The images shown are for illustrative purposes only and may differ to the actual car. Capital at risk. Terms & conditions apply.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk. Investments made through Bondora are not guaranteed; therefore any assets allocated to the Go & Grow account are not guaranteed by any state fund or otherwise secured and it may not be possible to liquidate assets or withdraw money immediately. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a., but please note that the yield achieved in past periods does not guarantee the rate of return in future periods. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

Te-ai săturat de băncile mari și de modurile lor robotice?
Obțineți împrumutul pe care îl meritați de la Bondora.

  • O ofertă de împrumut personalizată online în 60 de secunde
  • Opțiuni flexibile de rambursare
  • Fără taxe ascunse
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Acesta este un serviciu financiar. Vă rugăm să examinați termenii și condițiile noastre pe și să consultați un expert dacă este necesar.