Weekly industry news round-up


Last week brought us reports that funding for fintech companies dropped globally due to lack of super rounds. Prosper and Avant in the US are seeing tough times as bad quarterly results force them to make significant cuts in workforce. On other side of the globe, lenders in China are making more use of consumer information from social media platforms to make better lending decisions as other data sources are lacking. You can also read about how passive investing is gaining more traction as low-cost and stable option compared to active investing. For more details, see the articles listed below. Enjoy reading!


Last week Bondora was mentioned in The Times article talking about how the banking industry needs to take some example from the emerging P2P companies that are much more customer oriented. Crowdfund Insider commends Bondora’s push for more clarity and transparency in building investors trust. Estonian readers can read about Bondora being part of an initiative to launch a new positive credit registry in Estonia and our German audience can take a look at various investors lending experiences on Bondora platform.


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Obțineți împrumutul pe care îl meritați de la Bondora.

  • O ofertă de împrumut personalizată online în 60 de secunde
  • Opțiuni flexibile de rambursare
  • Fără taxe ascunse
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