Go & Grow Unlimited

In today’s video, we’ll give you an overview of our newest product, Go & Grow Unlimited. Keep watching to learn more.

With Go & Grow Unlimited, you’ll enjoy the same Go & Grow experience that you know and love, such as lower risk and faster liquidity. The difference is, you can invest any amount with no monthly cap while earning a return rate of up to 4% per annum.

To get started, log in at bondora.com. Set up your Unlimited account and invest any amount to start earning returns. Your regular Go & Grow account will continue as usual and operates separately from your Unlimited account.

Start today and invest without limits with Go & Grow Unlimited!

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Thanks for watching, keep investing, and bye for now.

Ste naveličani velikih bank in njihovih robotskih načinov?
Pridobite posojilo, ki si ga zaslužite pri Bondori.

  • Prilagojena spletna ponudba posojila v 60 sekundah
  • Prilagodljive možnosti odplačevanja
  • Brez skritih stroškov
Začnite zdaj
To je finančna storitev. Preglejte naše pogoje in določila na bondora.ee in se po potrebi posvetujte s strokovnjakom.