A recap of our videos in May 2021

In case you have missed out on our weekly videos this month, here’s a recap for you. We explained how you can contact our support, revealed topmost reasons you should love Go & Grow, gave some hints on when you should start investing and finally we explained some of the dashboard values. In addition, we also have a Live Q&A session with our CEO. Get right in below to catch up.

How to contact Bondora Customer Support – Bondora

Today we’ll answer an essential question that many of you have asked. And that is: “How can I contact Bondora Customer Support?”.

In 2020, we redesigned our support site so you can get instant answers to all your questions without needing to contact us first. You can check it out at support.bondora.com

This has been a great solution to give you all the answers you need at your fingertips. But sometimes, a little human help is needed. And that’s where our Investor Support team comes in. You can reach out to our dedicated investor specialists via our support site.

Simply type in “support” in the search tab, and select the “How can I contact customer support” article. Fill in the form with all the required information, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We hope this video helps you get the answers you need.

Top 5 reasons to love Go & Grow! – Bondora

Chances are you’ve heard of Go & Grow. You might even already invest with it. But we thought we’d give you a refresher on 5 things that people love about Go & Grow. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Here are the top 5 things to love about Go & Grow:

  1. You get up to 6.75% net returns per year. Growing your money has never been this easy.
  2. You can start with as little as €1. Where else can you start growing your money from just 1 euro?
  3. It’s incredibly easy to use. You don’t have to be a financial expert or tech guru to use it. Go & Grow is excellent for beginners and people of all ages.
  4. Zero annual management fees. It doesn’t cost you anything to start investing with Go & Grow. All your money goes into your future.
  5. You can set your goals and achieve them too. You can easily create goals and get updates on how you’re progressing. This helps you reach them faster and turn your dreams into a reality.

And those are our top 5 reasons to love Go & Grow. Tell us what’s the thing you love most about Go & Grow in the comments below.

When you should start saving for retirement – Bondora

Planning for retirement is a financial goal we should all have, regardless of if you’re retiring in 5 years or 30. We each have different plans for our future after we stop working, whether it’s lounging on a beach or helping to raise grandchildren. But whatever your plan is, it’s important to start saving now to make your retirement dream a reality.

So, when should you start saving for retirement?

If you haven’t already started putting money aside, the simple answer is to start as soon as possible.  The sooner you start saving, the more time your money has to grow.

If you have less time to prepare for retirement, you’ll need to save more each year. It’s never too late to start planning. But it might be easier to start saving earlier with smaller amounts.

We hope this helps put you on the right track to reaching your retirement goals.

Bondora 2020 Financial Results + Q&A with Bondora CEO, Oärtel Tomberg – Bondora

Pärtel Tomberg, CEO of Bondora, discusses the financial results of 2020 and answers your questions.

Find our 2020 financial report blog post here.

Account value versus portfolio value – Bondora

When you log in to the platform, the Dashboard provides you with a quick overview and status of your account. You will see several different values listed there. While many do overlap, each one is calculated differently and gives you different information. Keep watching to learn the difference between the account value and portfolio value figures.

Account value

Your account value represents the total worth of your entire Bondora account after any overdue principal has been deducted. It includes the outstanding principal of the investments in your portfolio, as well as money in your Wallet, Reserved funds, and Go & Grow account.

Portfolio value

The portfolio value is the total value of future payments expected from your loan portfolio, based on your cash flow probability assumptions. Or simply put, it is the outstanding principal minus the overdue principal.

To read more about the figures on your Dashboard, hover your cursor over the value for a brief description.

We hope this helps you to understand these Dashboard values better.

Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss any future videos.

Thanks, keep investing, and bye for now!

Bondora monthly video recap

Ste naveličani velikih bank in njihovih robotskih načinov?
Pridobite posojilo, ki si ga zaslužite pri Bondori.

  • Prilagojena spletna ponudba posojila v 60 sekundah
  • Prilagodljive možnosti odplačevanja
  • Brez skritih stroškov
Začnite zdaj
To je finančna storitev. Preglejte naše pogoje in določila na bondora.ee in se po potrebi posvetujte s strokovnjakom.