Bondora ends 2020 on a high

2020 has been a rollercoaster ride, but we’re happy to say that we ended it off on a high. Our December investments totaled €7,043,525.00—the 4th highest of 2020! This is a good indication that we could be heading back to pre-pandemic levels. Another reason to smile is that the Finnish market is back in action since November, and it’s showing promising growth in originations, increasing by 907% in just one month! Every month we give you an overview of the previous month’s statistics, so you can stay updated with everything Bondora market-related. Let’s review the last month of 2020:

We ended off 2020 on a high, and we're excited for what the future brings.
We ended off 2020 on a high, and we’re excited for what the future brings.

In December, 3,661 people joined Bondora, bringing the number of investors to 147,495. In total, €398M has been invested, and investors have earned more than €49M in returns over the last 12 years.

We ended off 2020 on a high note!

Investments for December totaled €7,043,525.00. This is the 4th best product funding we saw in 2020, indicating that we’re heading back to pre-pandemic levels. Go & Grow remains the most popular product, with a total investment share of 93%. It now accounts for €6,543,775 of all investments. All our other products increased, except for Portfolio Manager that declined slightly to an investment value of €310,575.

After 10 months’ consecutive growth in the number of loans recovered during the collection and recovery process, December was the first month that we didn’t see an increase. But even so, 65 518 loans were recovered by our teams, totaling €746,502 in recovered loans. Investors can know with certainty that we do all we can to collect debt so their best interests can be protected.

After making a comeback in November, Secondary Market transactionsdeclined again at the end of the year. The total value of transactions was €354,480 – declining by €173 328. Manual transactions still make up the most significant share, with API transactions coming in second place and Portfolio Manager transactions bringing up the rear.

Finnish loans have only been back in action since November, and already we see encouraging growth from the loan originations. Finnish loan originations increased from €23,547 to €237,178. That’s a 907% increase! However, Estonia is still taking the lead, accounting for €6,806,347’s worth of originations. This is the highest value of loan originations we’ve seen since March; we’re happy to have ended off the year like this.

Bondora ended off the year strong. Despite declines in the Secondary Market transactions and the Collection & Recovery process, we’re delighted that the Finnish market is doing so well and that loan originations and investments are starting to resemble pre-pandemic levels. With this incredible growth, we’re heading into 2021 with a smile and an optimistic sense of hope for a year of wealth-building.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for weekly, more in-depth analyses of the Bondora market.

Every month we take a detailed look at:

  • Recoveries
  • Product funding
  • Portfolio performance
  • Secondary Market
  • Loan originations

So stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more. 

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