Bondora in 24 languages

Last year, we mentioned that we are providing our website in many new languages, in order to make it easier for our investors to use our website.

As a New Year gift to all our investors, we are excited to announce the launch of our website in 24 European languages! This means you can now use our website in your local language, isn’t that great?!

So, leave us a comment on Facebook @bondoracapital and visit our blog for more. Until next time, thanks for watching and bye for now.

Ste naveličani velikih bank in njihovih robotskih načinov?
Pridobite posojilo, ki si ga zaslužite pri Bondori.

  • Prilagojena spletna ponudba posojila v 60 sekundah
  • Prilagodljive možnosti odplačevanja
  • Brez skritih stroškov
Začnite zdaj
To je finančna storitev. Preglejte naše pogoje in določila na in se po potrebi posvetujte s strokovnjakom.