Bondora Investments Soar Over €10 Million

2021 is proving to be a year of continuous, sustainable growth for Bondora. Investments and loan originations continue to build on the momentum we’ve seen since the end of 2020. And in May, we’ve breached the €10M origination mark, just as we’d speculated last month. Investments are performing equally strong, with €10,151,227 invested during May. See more highlights in this overview of the most significant statistics in May:

Bondora investments soar over €10 Million.
Bondora investments soar over €10 Million.

After we had the highest number of new investors sign up to Bondora in April, a total of 2,893 investors joined Bondora in May. Over €438M has been invested, and investors have earned more than €53M in returns over the last 13 years.

165,330 people have invested over €438M and earned €53M

May was another brilliant month for Bondora’s investment figures. Go & Grow still receives the highest portion of product funding due to it being our most popular product by far. Just over 92% of investors’ portfolios contain Go & Grow—making up either their entire Bondora portfolio or a part of it. €10,151,227 was invested across Bondora—the highest figure for 2021 so far. We’re excited to see how investments will continue to build on the momentum we’ve seen from Q1.

Figures for the Secondary Market arealmost identital to April’s, albeit slightly higher. Transactions to the value of €242,322 took place on the market, with Manual transactions, once again, making up the bulk of the activity. However, API activity increased to make up 30.6% of all transactions.

May’s collection and recovery statisticslook very similar to the standard yet impressive figures of April. 70 729 loan payments were recovered during May. Estonia remains the country with the highest percentage of loan recoveries, with Finland in second place. In May, as in April, the most recoveries were conducted during the Bailiff stage of the collection process. You can read more about our collection and recovery process here.

Loan originations are continuing on their upward trajectory, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. So far, originations have increased every month since the start of the year. €10,421,636’s worth of loans were originated in May, with the majority (€7,269,330) being originated in Estonia. However, Finnish originations continue their growth spurt and now makeup over 30% of the Bondora loan portfolio. Estonian originations grew by just less than 9%, while Finnish originations increased by over 23%. With the Spanish market possibly set to reopen soon, we’re gearing up for even more growth in the latter half of 2021.

May continues to build on the growth we’ve seen since the end of 2020. Investments and loan originations are growing in tandem and are poised to continue for the rest of the year. We’re celebrating breaking the €10M mark in loan originations for the first time in over a year, along with our financial results from a profitable 2020. If you missed it, you can read more about it here.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for weekly, more in-depth analyses of the Bondora market. Every month we take a detailed look at aspects like:

  • Product funding
  • Collection and Recoveries
  • Loan originations
  • Secondary Market

So, stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more. 

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