Monthly origination summary – August 2016

Building on the record month of originations in July, in August, we saw originations grow in 2 countries (Estonia and Spain). We saw another record month of originations at €2,782,475, topping July’s record of 2.28 million Euro. That’s a 21.5% increase month over month. The loan origination summary for the month of August is detailed below.

Loan origination by country

Estonia is still in the lead with a 56% share of all new originations. Spain is growing in originations at a solid 25% share of new originations while Finland is an 18% share of new originations for the month.

Share by country – August 2016
Country Interest Amount Share
ESTONIA 26,84% 1572785 56,52%
SPAIN 59,57% 696860 25,04%
FINLAND 34,32% 512830 18,43%

Loan origination by grade

We are seeing good distribution across the countries and across the loan grades too. Last month, the only country where you could get A and AA loans is Estonia, which has the most loans issued overall. A and AA are a pretty small share of 0.93% and 1.96% shares of all loans issued. That’s less than 3% combined. B grade loans are just under 9% share of all loans from Estonia and Finland.

  • Estonia’s originations are primarily in the C-E grades making up 32% of all loans. Interest rates in Estonia and Finland for B-D grade loans are consistent in the mid teens to the high twenties. E and F grade loan interest in Estonia range from 31.71% up to 42.39%.
  • Finland’s originations are primarily in the D-F grades making up ~13% of all loans. Rates are slightly higher in Finland for comparable grade loans compared to Estonia. The rate for B grade loans in Finland is 18.92% up to 39.64% for F grade loans (slightly higher than Estonia’s 38.10% for F grade loans).
  • Spain’s originations are primarily in the higher interest grades of E, F and HR. Rates in Spain for all 3 grades are higher than the other 2 countries with rates of 36.28%, 42.39% and 63.10%. Spain has the highest amount of HR loans with a 21% share of all loans, while HR makes up a 27% share of all new loans originated in August.
Share by country and grade – August 2016
Monthly origination summary – August 2016 EstoniaESTONIA Monthly origination summary – August 2016 SpainSPAIN Monthly origination summary – August 2016 FinlandFINLAND
BR Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share
AA 9,90% 25905 0,93%
A 12,54% 54470 1,96%
B 15,68% 236240 8,49% 18,92% 3715 0,13%
C 21,03% 345300 12,41% 22,06% 62910 2,26%
D 26,54% 298680 10,73% 27,23% 158110 5,68%
E 31,71% 304180 10,93% 36,28% 27600 0,99% 33,87% 103390 3,72%
F 38,10% 209320 7,52% 42,39% 83000 2,98% 39,64% 108690 3,91%
HR 48,22% 98690 3,55% 63,10% 586260 21,07% 52,99% 76015 2,73%

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