Bondora Blog

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He enjoys football, hiking and is a C#master! Meet Lasha – our 34th Bondora Superhero

He enjoys spending his free time doing sports and exploring the wilderness on hikes and on his bike and never lets tough times get him down. Keep reading to get to know our latest Superhero – Lasha Amashukeli! Bondora Superhero #34 — Lasha Amashukeli 👦Bondorian since January 2022 👨‍💻Role: Software Engineer 🌱Team: Product Engineering: Grow…
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Light the Bonfires; Midsummer Is Here 🔥

If you live in Estonia, then jaanipäev needs no introduction. Also known as Midsummer’s Day, on 24 June, the whole country celebrates with huge bonfires, grilling, and having a good time with friends and family. But as 23 June is Victory Day, the celebrations start early and continue well into the (white) night. Midsummer occurs…
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Debit vs. Credit Cards: Exploring the German Perspective

Debit or credit? When it comes to personal finance and managing our daily expenses, choosing between a debit card and a credit card can play a significant role. In Germany, a country known for its pragmatic financial practices, the preference for debit cards over credit cards is deeply ingrained. In this article, we'll delve into…
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How to Create Your Go & Grow Account and Start Investing

See how to easily create your Go & Grow account and start earning returns of up to 6.75%* p.a. with Bondora. Start investing and earning now >>
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🎉Go & Grow Is Now Open!

You requested, we listened. The original Go & Grow with returns of up to 6.75%* p.a. is now open to all investors. If you already invest with Bondora, log in to your dashboard, create a free Go & Grow account, and add up to €700 per month to start earning more. Don't have an account…
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April 2023: Slight Dips in Originations & Investments

The 2nd quarter of 2023 kicked off with solid numbers. March statistics smashed all previous records and set new all-time highs for investments and originations. Although the numbers have dipped slightly, they're still topping €20M each, which sets us on track to reach our goals. Here are more stats from April: 1,309 new investors joined…
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Children & Pocket Money – What’s Right for Your Family?

Financial literacy is a critical skill that parents must instill in their children, as it's fundamental to navigating the complexities of modern life. But which approach is suitable for your children? Parents can teach their children about money by providing them with pocket money, either in exchange for chores or without any strings attached. Some…
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Meet Our Tea-loving Cloud Engineer☁️💻Introducing Bhrikuty: Bondora Superhero #33

She wishes to have the incredible ability to become invisible, loves streamlining processes, and is an avid gamer. And wait until you see the pictures of her fluffy friend, Coco! It is our honor to present our latest Superhero – Bhrikuty Aggarwal. Bondora Superhero #33 — Bhrikuty Aggarwal 👧Bondorian since April 2022 👨‍💻Role: Platform Team…
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Investments and Originations Topped €23M Each

March statistics set new all-time highs for investments and loan originations. Both topped €23 million. Increasing by 21.2%, loan originations totaled a record-breaking €23,300,618. And investments increased by 12.6% to a total of €23,256,640. Read on for more: Investment by product Reaching a new record-high, investments rose by 12.6%, equaling €23,256,640. Go & Grow received €23,204,495,…
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€700 Is the Magic Number

Go & Grow investors, we've got exciting news for you. The monthly Go & Grow limit of €400 has been raised! That means that from today onwards, you can invest up to €700 net into your classic Go & Grow account every month. As you know, we use data and research to help us make…
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Ste naveličani velikih bank in njihovih robotskih načinov?
Pridobite posojilo, ki si ga zaslužite pri Bondori.

  • Prilagojena spletna ponudba posojila v 60 sekundah
  • Prilagodljive možnosti odplačevanja
  • Brez skritih stroškov
Začnite zdaj
To je finančna storitev. Preglejte naše pogoje in določila na in se po potrebi posvetujte s strokovnjakom.