A tip on Portfolio diversification

Here’s another investing tip from us today.

In order to manage your risks, it is important to diversify within your portfolio, meaning, you should not put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, you should diversify across a wide variety of loans to reduce your overall risk of losses. You can achieve this via our free automated services like Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro.

Remember you can always visit our website at www.bondora.com and check us out on Facebook @bondoracapital.

Ste naveličani velikih bank in njihovih robotskih načinov?
Pridobite posojilo, ki si ga zaslužite pri Bondori.

  • Prilagojena spletna ponudba posojila v 60 sekundah
  • Prilagodljive možnosti odplačevanja
  • Brez skritih stroškov
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