November = Good news and celebrations🥳

Bondora is set to end the year off with a bang. We broke the record for debt recoveries two months in a row, with €829,072 recovered in November. A grand total of €6,531,141 was invested in November. That’s more than double what it was in October. And, to top it all off, the Finnish market is back in our portfolio. Every month we give you an overview of the previous month’s statistics so you can stay updated with everything Bondora market-related. And this month was a great one. Let’s get to it!

At Bondora, we love celebrating milestones (with cake!) and November was filled with good news and celebrations.
At Bondora, we love celebrating milestones (with cake!) and November was filled with good news and celebrations.

In November, 3,185 people joined Bondora, bringing the number of investors to 143,834. In total, €391M has been invested, and investors have earned more than €49M in returns over the last 11 years.

📣 Record-breaking alert

In November, a total of 67,535 unpaid loans were recovered in the collection and recovery process. This translates to a total value of €829,072 in unpaid loans. It’s also a new record for us! After breaking the record in October, we did it again in November. This month also marks the 10th consecutive month of growth in the number of loans recovered. Investors can know with certainty that we do all we can to collect debt so their best interests can be protected.

Product funding was the best we’ve seen since April. Go & Grow continues its triumphant growth trend from October. However, November’s growth is something of a legend, as it goes from a 36% total share of all investments to a 93% share. It increased by 434.5% to €6,066,450. Yay, Go & Grow! Naturally, with Go & Grow’s gain in territory, the others had to give way. Portfolio Manager fell the least by 72.9%, followed by Portfolio Pro’s decline of 81.6%, and lastly, API’s activity all but disappeared with a 97.6% plummet.

After declining somewhat in October, the Secondary Market bounces back once again.

The total value of transactions was €527,808. Manual transactions saw the most significant increase, whereas API and Portfolio manager transactions entered a declining trend. Overall, the value of transactions increased by €140,271—a 36.2% increase in activity.

With the Finnish market back in action, we’re interested to see how loan originations will look in the coming months. Estonia took the lion’s share, bringing in € 6,507,594’s worth of originations, with Finland contributing €23,547. This is the highest value of loan originations we’ve seen since April, so it’s a sight for sore eyes.

November was a month for celebration with growth across all categories, the Finnish market’s return, and records being broken. With this incredible and consistent growth, investors can focus on building their financial future with ease with Bondora.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for weekly, more in-depth analyses of the Bondora market. Every month we take a detailed look at:

  • Recoveries
  • Product funding
  • Portfolio performance
  • Secondary Market
  • Loan originations

So stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more. 

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