New Zealand’s P2P market and what the future holds for Bondora

Bondora in the news:

Ärileht interviewed our CEO and founder, Pärtel Tomberg, and discussed Bondora’s history, current operations and future plans. Pärtel explains „Our business is in all respects without borders – investment is transnational, and nothing restricts us from growing wherever we can see the potential“. He continues, “Bondora is not and will not become a traditional bank. Obviously, at one point we need to apply for a banking license to extend the loan business, but this is merely a technical detail for me, because we are now more transparent than banks at all times”.


Basic thinking wrote a piece that dives in to the peer-to-peer lending business model and how it essentially removes the banks from being the middle man in consumer lending. They then proceed to talk about using Bondora’s automated Portfolio Manager investing option. As with any investment, they state “Bondora is not for the fast money, but a platform that is designed for long-term asset accumulation. The loans run partly for up to five years”.

In other Alternative Finance news:

The Economic Times reviewed the performance of P2P lending as an asset class in India. They express “It was not easy to draw lenders to the model, but once they realized the potential, it was clear to them that P2P was a good alternate source of investment”.


NDTV discussed five things that you should know about P2P lending platforms. In short, they cover how it works, customer verification, the legal stuff, interest rates and fees.


Equities published an interesting piece which looks like a great starting point for someone new to the P2P lending ecosystem. While they relate heavily towards the two biggest P2P lending platforms in the US, the same concepts can be applied to platforms in Europe, like Bondora.


The Spinoff talks specifically of the growth of the peer to peer lending market in New Zealand. They say “Peer to peer lending offers such a different model and has delivered in New Zealand faster and with deeper penetration of the marketplace than the UK or the USA. We’re still tiny in the [global] market, but more advanced than the larger markets that have had years of advantage. Fintech starts small and niche – it’s the growth and rate of consumer adoption that is the exciting part of the story.”

This sounds like a familiar story to the P2P market in Bondora’s native Estonia.

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