€464,000 recovered in August

For the third month in a row the amount of recoveries rose on Bondora. A total of 38,187 in payment recoveries during August equates to a 4.6% increase from July. Collections made in-house by Bondora rose by 8.6% to 8,721, while all other recovery categories also rose slightly. Finland saw the biggest gains in recoveries, up to a total of 12,279 payment recoveries from 11,600 one month ago.

Recoveries by count of loans - Aug 2019

Cash Recoveries Slightly Fall

While more payments were recovered in August, less total cash was recovered from missed payments. A total of €464,433 was recovered on the month, a decrease of 4.2%. This brought the average payment recovery down from €13.05 in July to €12.16 in August. Cash recoveries fell in all countries, except Finland, where there was an increase of 41.8% in total cash recovered. This brought the average payment recovery in Finland all the way up to €17.71.

Recoveries by cash flow - Aug 2019

Yearly Recovery Rate

As expected, the yearly recovery rate is falling closer in-line with the yearly rate for the previous 5 years. The recovery rate for 2019 currently sits at 68.34%. As a result, the 5 year recovery rate fell to 46.27% from 47.69% last month.

Recovery rate - Aug 2019

Recoveries by Country

Recovery rates in each Bondora country fell from their extreme highs to start the year. The recovery rate in Spain (91.13%) continues to be the highest of all Bondora countries, with Finland (82.76%) and Estonia (54.08%) following.

Recovery rate by country - Aug 2019


Even as less payments were recovered in August, more money was recovered in Finland, where the average payment recovery was a full €5 higher than the average across Bondora.

You can always view missed payment recoveries and all other Bondora data at any time. Check out our real-time statistics to see not only recovery data on all Bondora missed payments, but loan history, returns data, and more.

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