Tracking your investments in Cash Flow

One of the best benefits of Cash Flow statement is that it integrates many differents data points into single, understandable numbers. This saves a lot of time for investors who want to keep track of the bottom line of their investments. The high-level overview that the Cash Flow statement provides, allows the investor to see the trends and fluctuations in the repayments, determine underperforming investments and act or adjust their strategy accordingly.

For instance, here are some examples of what you can do in Cash Flow page on your Bondora account:

  • See all the interest payments made in 2015.
  • Compare your actual interests paid (“Total Interest received”) vs how much Interest you should have been paid on monthly basis in 2016 (“Total Planned Interest”).
  • Track payments from defaulted loans
  • Track the write off amounts

Here at Bondora, we take aim for transparency in giving you all the data to analyze however you want. The Cash Flow page provides another table and graph with multiple features allowing you to customize filters and table columns to track your cash flow from all your investments. One of the simplest ways to see how much cash your Bondora account is generating is to look at Actual (Received) vs Planned (What is Due to You) totals and compare.

For example, here is a possible basic set of columns that can give you a summarized overview of your investments (in any given time period):

  • Opening balance (what your cash balance was at the beginning of the month)
  • Net capital deployed (how much of your cash was invested that month going from Reserved to Funded)
  • Net loan investments (Principal Invested + Secondary Market Purchases + Secondary Market Sales)
  • Total principal repaid (Principal Repaid + Principal Repaid From Loans in Default)
  • Total planned principal (how much principal should have been paid)
  • Total interest received (Interest Received from Current Loans + Interest Received from Loans in Default)
  • Total planned interest (how much interest should have been received)
  • Total received (total principal and interest received)
  • Total planned receivables (total amount of principal and interest that should have been paid)
  • Closing balance (cash balance at the end of the month)

Emphasized in bold above, you can get a simplified cash flow statement just by looking at your Opening Balance + Net Loan Investments + Total Received = Closing Balance, or in plain terms – it’s cash in and cash out.

bondora cash flow

While this is one of the easiest ways to look at your cash flow, it’s not the only way. You can get more granular data by using the available filter above the table and/or adding more data fields in the table and graph presented in the page. In one of our future posts, we will also talk more about how to use the forecast settings in the Cash Flow and what benefit they have for the investor.

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