Where to find your Bondora tax reports – Bondora (Video)

Today we’re talking about Bondora tax reports and where to find them.

We’ve made it easy for you to get all the tax information you need from your Account.

If you invest using Portfolio Pro, Portfolio Manager, or the API, you can access the tax reports from the ‚Reports‘ tab on your main menu.

  • Simply log into your account then click on the ‚Reports‘ tab
  • Next, select ‚Tax report,‘ and choose the dates you want the data for,
  • Finally, click the ‚Create the report‘ button to generate it
  • The Tax Report will be created immediately and will download as a PDF file.

If you invest using only Go & Grow, you can access your tax report directly from your Go & Grow account. The tax treatment is different for Go & Grow, which is why you can download a separate tax report.

To download your Go & Grow tax report:

  • Go to your Go & Grow account,
  • Click on the burger menu icon and select ‚Go & Grow Tax Report,‘
  • There you can specify the dates you want the data for,
  • And lastly, click on the ‚Create the report‘ button, the report will then download in pdf format. 

And that’s all there is to it! We hope this video helped you sort out your Bondora tax reports in a flash.

Remember to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more useful tips and cool content.

Keep investing, and bye for now.

Bondora monthly video recap

*Capital at risk. Investments made with Bondora are not guaranteed, nor is the preservation of value invested guaranteed. Please note that the yield achieved in past periods does not guarantee the rate of return in future periods. The yield of Go & Grow is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please and consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

**It may not be possible to liquidate assets or withdraw money immediately from Go & Grow. In this scenario, we will make partial payouts of your total withdrawal amount.

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