Categorías: Stats & Data

About Bondora’s servicing, collection and recovery process

Our investors have continuously been interested in the topic of Bondora's collection and recovery. So as a continuation of yesterday's post we decided to give you more details about our current setup of servicing, collection and recovery and also what to expect in the near future. HOW HAS SERVICING, COLLECTION AND RECOVERY PROCESS DEVELOPED IN RECENT MONTHS? In…
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Reporting of collection and recovery write-offs

KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM COLLECTION AND RECOVERY PROCESS DATA IMPROVEMENTS We have now developed and implemented the reporting system to reflect the write-off amounts for each payment and claim in our collection and recovery process. This way investors can see both gross and net payments. Until today it was only possible to see the net payments and…
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Monthly Loan origination summary – June 2016

Dear readers. Last month we kicked off with different monthly overviews here on the blog. If you missed the updates, here are the links - loan origination overview for May and portfolio performance update. General market activity in June was dominated by Britain’s EU referendum. Despite the current uncertainty around it, June provided another encouraging…
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Bondora Rating profitable since inception

Here at Bondora we are committed to providing our investors the information they need for investing on our platform. We hope that this performance update helps to further understand the returns that you get from investing on Bondora. KEY TAKEAWAYS All countries have been profitable since introduction of Bondora Rating in January 2015 Returns in…
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Monthly Loan origination summary – May 2016

Dear, readers. We are kicking off with different monthly summaries here on the Bondora marketplace lending blog. First up is our loan origination overview for month ending May 31, 2016 and soon will be followed by portfolio performance overview and recoveries. In May 2016 we processed €46,628,230 worth of loan applications, out of which we approved €4,814,045…
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Improvements in our debt collection & recovery process

IN SHORT We have implemented a more aggressive strategy to deal with overdue loans. One of the key strengths of this new process is that we will hand over the overdue loan to a local debt collection agency (DCA) already after a week after missing a payment. This will deliver quicker results and improve payment…
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We’ve hit €1 billion!

Bondora has hit a major milestone today – we have processed €1, 000, 000, 000 worth of loan applications. Out of those applications we have approved €150M of loans to our marketplace and our investors have funded €52M. Having generated €1 billion in demand is a fantastic accomplishment that clearly shows Bondora as a global…
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Milestone reached: €50 million loans issued

Wohhoooooo! We hit a big Bondora milestone yesterday - €50 million loans have been issued and funded by our growing base of 12,628 investors. This is a really gratifying moment for us and it shows that our investors see Bondora as a global and innovative platform to grow their investment capital. We just wanted to…
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Bondora Rating has outperformed expectations: 98% of the portfolio above target return

KEY TAKEAWAYS All the countries where we currently perform lending activities (Spain, Finland, Estonia) are now profitable All our country-grade segments (other than 3) have produced returns in line or above the expected return Net yields on Bondora are highest in the marketplace lending industry 98% of the portfolio above target return and returns in…
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Follow-up on the Collection Process overview

Our latest blogpost on collection process received a lot of attention. We gathered together the most hot comments and highlighted the answers in a separate post. Why is the success fee % so high in Estonia? In Estonia we are testing 4 DCAs to understand if higher collection fees offered by some of them will…
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