🎄 December Giveaway: Invest to Stand a Chance to Win

This December, we’ve really gotten into the festive spirit. And we’re feeling extra festive this year. What better way to celebrate the season of giving than with a giveaway? Seven lucky Go & Grow investors will have their €700 investment doubled in December.

Read more to see how you could be one of those lucky winners.

🎄How to enter our December giveaway:

Invest the monthly maximum (€700) into Go & Grow earning up to 6.75%* p.a. before 1 January 2024.

We’ll randomly select seven lucky winners and double their €700 investment. If you’ve won, we’ll contact you on 3 January 2024.

Although the giveaway prize only applies to the €700 invested into Go & Grow earning up to 6.75%* p.a., you can invest more into Go & Grow to earn up to 4%* p.a.

What if I’ve reached the monthly Go & Grow €700 limit?

Don’t worry if you’ve already invested the maximum into Go & Grow earning up to 6.75%* p.a. this month. As long as you made the investment between 1-31 December, it counts as your entry into the giveaway 😃

🎁 Whether you made a manual investment from your bank account, or it was auto-invested on 1 December, you’ll be included in the lucky draw.

Terms and conditions apply. You can familiarize yourself with the terms here.

If you choose to participate in this December giveaway campaign, you automatically accept our terms and conditions.

If you’re already a participant without actively opting in, please note that our terms and conditions apply.

The maximum prize money is capped at €700 per winner.

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